Per Milberg
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Zitiert von
Seed size, shape and vertical distribution in the soil: indicators of seed longevity
RM Bekker, JP Bakker, U Grandin, R Kalamees, P Milberg, P Poschlod, ...
Functional Ecology 12 (5), 834-842, 1998
Large-seeded spices are less dependent on light for germination than small-seeded ones
P Milberg, L Andersson, K Thompson
Seed science research 10 (1), 99-104, 2000
Grazing vs. mowing: A meta-analysis of biodiversity benefits for grassland management
M Tälle, B Deák, P Poschlod, O Valkó, L Westerberg, P Milberg
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 222, 200-212, 2016
Variation in seed dormancy among mother plants, populations and years of seed collection
L Andersson, P Milberg
Seed science research 8 (1), 29-38, 1998
Seed/cotyledon size and nutrient content play a major role in early performance of species on nutrient-poor soils
PER Milberg, BB Lamont
The New Phytologist 137 (4), 665-672, 1997
Soil seed bank after eighteen years of succession from grassland to forest
P Milberg
Oikos, 3-13, 1995
Weed flora in arable fields of eastern Ethiopia with emphasis on the occurrence of Parthenium hysterophorus
T Tamado, P Milberg
Weed Research 40 (6), 507-521, 2000
Landscape effects on butterfly assemblages in an agricultural region
KO Bergman, J Askling, O Ekberg, H Ignell, H Wahlman, P Milberg
Ecography 27 (5), 619-628, 2004
Weed flora and the relative importance of site, crop, crop rotation, and nitrogen
TN Andersson, P Milberg
Weed Science 46 (1), 30-38, 1998
Naïve birds and noble savages‐a review of man‐caused prehistoric extinctions of island birds
P Milberg, T Tyrberg
Ecography 16 (3), 229-250, 1993
Interference by the weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. with grain sorghum: influence of weed density and duration of competition
T Tamado, L Ohlander, P Milberg
International Journal of Pest Management 48 (3), 183-188, 2002
The impact of logging intensity on field-layer vegetation in Swedish boreal forests
J Bergstedt, P Milberg
Forest Ecology and Management 154 (1-2), 105-115, 2001
Soil seed bank and species turnover in a limestone grassland
P Milberg, ML Hansson
Journal of Vegetation Science 5 (1), 35-42, 1994
A survey of weeds in organic farming in Sweden
NT Rydberg, P Milberg
Biological agriculture & horticulture 18 (2), 175-185, 2000
Fire enhances weed invasion of roadside vegetation in southwestern Australia
P Milberg, BB Lamont
Biological Conservation 73 (1), 45-49, 1995
Seed dormancy, after‐ripening and light requirements of four annual Asteraceae in south‐western Australia
W Schütz, P Milberg, BB Lamont
Annals of Botany 90 (6), 707-714, 2002
Yield loss due to weeds in cereals and its large-scale variability in Sweden
P Milberg, E Hallgren
Field crops research 86 (2-3), 199-209, 2004
AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora
D Falster, R Gallagher, EH Wenk, IJ Wright, D Indiarto, SC Andrew, ...
Scientific data 8 (1), 254, 2021
Germination ecology of the weed Parthenium hysterophorus in eastern Ethiopia
T Tamado, W Schutz, P Milberg
Annals of applied biology 140 (3), 263-270, 2002
Data diving with cross‐validation: an investigation of broad‐scale gradients in Swedish weed communities
E Hallgren, MW Palmer, P Milberg
Journal of Ecology 87 (6), 1037-1051, 1999
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