N. F. Svaiter
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Inertial and noninertial particle detectors and vacuum fluctuations
BF Svaiter, NF Svaiter
Physical Review D 46 (12), 5267, 1992
Vacuum energy density near fluctuating boundaries
LH Ford, NF Svaiter
Physical Review D 58 (6), 065007, 1998
Casimir effect in a D‐dimensional flat space‐time and the cut‐off method
NF Svaiter, BF Svaiter
Journal of mathematical physics 32 (1), 175-180, 1991
Cosmological and black hole horizon fluctuations
LH Ford, NF Svaiter
Physical Review D 56 (4), 2226, 1997
Attractive or repulsive nature of Casimir force in D-dimensional Minkowski spacetime
F Caruso, NP Neto, BF Svaiter, NF Svaiter
Physical Review D 43 (4), 1300, 1991
The analytic regularization zeta function method and the cut-off method in the Casimir effect
NF Svaiter, BF Svaiter
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 25 (4), 979, 1992
Gravitons and light cone fluctuations. II. Correlation functions
LH Ford, NF Svaiter
Physical Review D 54 (4), 2640, 1996
One-loop renormalization of a self-interacting scalar field in nonsimply connected spacetimes
LH Ford, NF Svaiter
Physical Review D 51 (12), 6981, 1995
Zero point energy and analytic regularizations
BF Svaiter, NF Svaiter
Physical Review D 47 (10), 4581, 1993
Casimir energy of massless fermions in the slab-bag
RDM De Paola, RB Rodrigues, NF Svaiter
Modern Physics Letters A 14 (34), 2353-2361, 1999
The thermal coupling constant and the gap equation in the λϕD4 model
GNJ Añaños, APC Malbouisson, NF Svaiter
Nuclear physics B 547 (1-2), 221-235, 1999
Zero-point energy of massless scalar fields in the presence of soft and semihard boundaries in D dimensions
F Caruso, R De Paola, NF Svaiter
International Journal of Modern Physics A 14 (13), 2077-2089, 1999
Radiative processes of uniformly accelerated entangled atoms
G Menezes, NF Svaiter
Physical Review A 93 (5), 052117, 2016
Finite size effects in the anisotropic (λ/4!)(φ14+ φ24) d model
CD Fosco, NF Svaiter
Journal of Mathematical Physics 42 (11), 5185-5194, 2001
Boundary effects on radiative processes of two entangled atoms
E Arias, JG Dueñas, G Menezes, NF Svaiter
Journal of High Energy Physics 2016 (7), 1-20, 2016
Radiative properties of a two-level system in the presence of mirrors
LH Ford, NF Svaiter, ML Lyra
Physical Review A 49 (2), 1378, 1994
Vacuum fluctuations and radiation reaction in radiative processes of entangled states
G Menezes, NF Svaiter
Physical Review A 92 (6), 062131, 2015
Analog model for quantum gravity effects: phonons in random fluids
G Krein, G Menezes, NF Svaiter
Physical review letters 105 (13), 131301, 2010
Effective Lagrangians for scalar fields and finite size effects in field theory
MI Caicedo, NF Svaiter
Journal of Mathematical Physics 45 (1), 179-196, 2004
Quantum light-cone fluctuations in compactified spacetimes
H Yu, NF Svaiter, LH Ford
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 80 (12), 124019, 2009
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