Mehraveh Salehi
Mehraveh Salehi
PhD student, Electrical Engineering, Yale University
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Ten simple rules for predictive modeling of individual differences in neuroimaging
D Scheinost, S Noble, C Horien, AS Greene, EMR Lake, M Salehi, S Gao, ...
NeuroImage 193, 35-45, 2019
There is no single functional atlas even for a single individual: Functional parcel definitions change with task
M Salehi, AS Greene, A Karbasi, X Shen, D Scheinost, RT Constable
NeuroImage 208, 116366, 2020
Individualized functional networks reconfigure with cognitive state
M Salehi, A Karbasi, DS Barron, D Scheinost, RT Constable
NeuroImage 206, 116233, 2020
A hitchhiker’s guide to working with large, open-source neuroimaging datasets
C Horien, S Noble, AS Greene, K Lee, DS Barron, S Gao, D O’Connor, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (2), 185-193, 2021
An exemplar-based approach to individualized parcellation reveals the need for sex specific functional networks
M Salehi, A Karbasi, X Shen, D Scheinost, RT Constable
Neuroimage 170, 54-67, 2018
A submodular approach to create individualized parcellations of the human brain
M Salehi, A Karbasi, D Scheinost, RT Constable
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention− MICCAI 2017 …, 2017
Individualized functional networks reconfigure with cognitive state. NeuroImage, 206, Article 116233
M Salehi, A Karbasi, DS Barron, D Scheinost, RT Constable
Exploring the prediction of emotional valence and pharmacologic effect across fMRI studies of antidepressants
DS Barron, M Salehi, M Browning, CJ Harmer, RT Constable, E Duff
NeuroImage: Clinical 20, 407-414, 2018
Professional ethics in management
H Bagheri, M Salehi, M Hajizadeh
Research Quarterly in Islamic Ethics 7 (3), 7-28, 2010
Agnostic Framework for the Classification/Identification of Organisms Based on RNA Post-Transcriptional Modifications
WD McIntyre, R Nemati, M Salehi, CC Aldrich, M FitzGibbon, L Deng, ...
Analytical chemistry 93 (22), 7860-7869, 2021
Individual Differences in the Functional Organization of Infants
D Scheinost, M Salehi, RT Constable, M Spann
Biological Psychiatry 89 (9), S78, 2021
Identifying Individual Differences in the Functional Organization of the Neonatal Brain
D Scheinost, M Salehi, RT Constable, M Spann
Biological Psychiatry 87 (9), S82, 2020
Identifying Individual Differences in the Functional Organization of the Neonatal Brain
D Scheinost, M Salehi, RT Constable, M Spann
Individualized and Task-Specific Functional Brain Mapping
M Salehi
Yale University, 2019
Artificial intelligence enables the detection of pathogens in complex biological matrices by mass spectrometric analysis of RNA modifications
D Fabris, B Toro, R Nemati, M Salehi, W McIntyre, C Aldrich
FEBS OPEN BIO 8, 23-24, 2018
A predictive approach to identify clinical state, emotional valence and pharmacologic effect in human task-based fMRI data
D Barron, M Salehi, M Browning, C Harmer, T Constable, E Duff
73rd Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting (SOBP 2018), 2018
Exploiting Relative Consensus Techniques in Future Advanced Communication Networks in the Presence of Failures
MJ Salehi, M Salehi, H Bagheri, BH Khalaj, M Katz, P Loskot
Mosharaka, 2014
Exploring the prediction of emotional valence and pharmacologic effect across
D Barron, M Salehi, M Browning, CJ Harmer, R Todd
Psychiatry 194, 535-540, 0
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