Mahdi Asadpour
Cited by
Cited by
Application-driven design of aerial communication networks
T Andre, KA Hummel, AP Schoellig, E Yanmaz, M Asadpour, C Bettstetter, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (5), 129-137, 2014
Micro aerial vehicle networks: An experimental analysis of challenges and opportunities
M Asadpour, B Van den Bergh, D Giustiniano, KA Hummel, S Pollin, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (7), 141-149, 2014
Route or Carry: Motion-driven Packet Forwarding in Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks
M Asadpour, KA Hummel, D Giustiniano, S Draskovic
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 16 (3), 843-856, 2016
From ground to aerial communication: Dissecting WLAN 802.11 n for the drones
M Asadpour, D Giustiniano, KA Hummel
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international workshop on Wireless network …, 2013
Characterizing 802.11 n aerial communication
M Asadpour, D Giustiniano, KA Hummel, S Heimlicher
Proceedings of the second ACM MobiHoc workshop on Airborne networks and …, 2013
Now or later? delaying data transfer in time-critical aerial communication
M Asadpour, D Giustiniano, KA Hummel, S Heimlicher, S Egli
Proceedings of the ninth ACM conference on Emerging networking experiments …, 2013
UAV networks in rescue missions
M Asadpour, D Giustiniano, KA Hummel, S Egli
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international workshop on Wireless network …, 2013
A privacy-friendly RFID protocol using reusable anonymous tickets
M Asadpour, MT Dashti
2011IEEE 10th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2011
Routing in a fleet of micro aerial vehicles: First experimental insights
M Asadpour, S Egli, KA Hummel, D Giustiniano
Proceedings of the third ACM workshop on Airborne networks and …, 2014
Improved user identity confidentiality for UMTS mobile networks
B Sattarzadeh, M Asadpour, R Jalili
Fourth European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks (ECUMN'07 …, 2007
Anonymous authentication protocol for GSM networks
M Asadpour, B Sattarzadeh, A Movaghar
International Journal of Security and Networks 3 (1), 54-62, 2008
Scalable, privacy preserving radio‐frequency identification protocol for the internet of things
M Asadpour, MT Dashti
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27 (8), 1932-1950, 2015
Double Voting Problem of Some Anonymous E-Voting Schemes
M Asadpour, R Jalili
Journal of Information Science & Engineering 25 (3), 895-906, 2009
Needle in a haystack: Limiting the search space in mission-aware packet forwarding for drones
M Asadpour, M Burger, F Schuiki, KA Hummel
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Experiences with the Design …, 2015
Parallel mining of association rules from gene expression databases
M Asadpour, MH Sadreddini, G Dastghaibyfard
Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery …, 2007
Enhanced Smart-Card-Based Authentication Scheme Providing Forward-Secure Key Agreement
M Asadpour, B Sattarzadeh, R Jalili
New Technologies, Mobility and Security, 447-458, 2007
Security Enhancement for a Low Computation Cost User Authentication Scheme
B Sattarzadeh, M Asadpour, R Jalili
International Conference on Security and Cryptography 2, 5-8, 2006
Location-aware Forwarding in Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks
M Asadpour
ETH-Zürich, No. 22921, PhD Dissertation, 2015
Demo abstract: Networking algorithms on a resource-limited distributed mobile embedded system
M Asadpour, R Oung
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Information processing …, 2013
Ground truth analysis of anomalies in traffic feature distributions
M Asadpour
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Articles 1–20