Renger van Nieuwkoop
Renger van Nieuwkoop
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Modelling the energy transition: A nexus of energy system and economic models
PC Del Granado, RH Van Nieuwkoop, EG Kardakos, C Schaffner
Energy strategy reviews 20, 229-235, 2018
Sustainability of the Slovenian pension system: an analysis with an overlapping-generations general equilibrium model
M Verbič, B Majcen, R Van Nieuwkoop
Eastern European Economics 44 (4), 60-81, 2006
Output-based allocations and revenue recycling: Implications for the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme
JA Lennox, R Van Nieuwkoop
Energy Policy 38 (12), 7861-7872, 2010
Estimation of a Swiss input-output table for 2001
C Nathani, M Wickart, R Oleschak, R van Nieuwkoop
CEPE Report 6, 2006
Nexus-e: A platform of interfaced high-resolution models for energy-economic assessments of future electricity systems
B Gjorgiev, JB Garrison, X Han, F Landis, R van Nieuwkoop, E Raycheva, ...
Applied Energy 307, 118193, 2022
Social incidence and economic costs of carbon limits: a computable general equilibrium analysis for Switzerland
G Stephan, R Van Nieuwkoop, T Wiedmer
Environmental and Resource Economics 2, 569-591, 1992
Revenue recycling of a CO2 tax: Results from a general equilibrium model for Switzerland
S Felder, R van Nieuwkoop
Annals of Operations Research 68, 233-265, 1996
An integrated transport network-computable general equilibrium models for Zurich
TF Rutherford, R van Nieuwkoop
Swiss Transport Research Conference 29, 2011
Revision der IOT 2001 und Schätzung einer IOT 2005 für die Schweiz
C Nathani, M Wickart, R van Nieuwkoop
Centre for Energy Policy and Economics (CEPE), ETH Zuerich, 2008
A traffic equilibrium model with paid-parking search
RH van Nieuwkoop, KW Axhausen, TF Rutherford
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP) 50 (3), 262-286, 2016
Analiza prihodnjih trendov slovenskega pokojninskega sistema z dinamičnim modelom splošnega ravnovesja
B Majcen, M Verbič, R van Nieuwkoop, J Sambt
IB revija 3, 54-70, 2005
Schätzung einer input-output-tabelle der schweiz 2008
C Nathani, C Schmid, R Van Nieuwkoop
Neuchâtel: Bundesamt für Statistik, 2011
The economic effects of the bilateral sectoral agreements and the Swiss EU membership
R Van Nieuwkoop, A Müller
Economic Impact of EU Membership on Entrants: New Methods and Issues, 93-117, 1999
Energy related disaggregation of the Swiss Input-Output Table
C Nathani, D Sutter, R vAN NIEUwkoop, M Peter, S Kraner, M Holzhey, ...
SFOE, EWG Publication 500270, 2011
Globalisierung und die Ursachen der Umverteilung in der Schweiz: Analyse der strukturellen und sozialen Umverteilungen in den 90-er Jahren mit einem Mehrländer …
A Müller, M Marti, R van Nieuwkoop
Seco, Sekretariat Leistungsbereich Wirtschaftspolitische Grundlagen, 2002
Energie-und verkehrsbezogene differenzierung der schweizerischen input-output-tabelle 2014
C Nathani, R Zandonella, R van Nieuwkoop, J Brandes, T Schwehr, ...
Federal Office of Energy, 2019
Soziale Gesundheitswirtschaft: Impulse für mehr Wohlstand; Gutachten im Auftrag der Abteilung Wirtschafts-und Sozialpolitik der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
B Augurzky
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2012
Using revenue from an energy tax to finance social security: a dynamic general equilibrium model for Switzerland
S Felder, R van Nieuwkoop
International Journal of Sustainable Development 3 (2), 136-145, 2000
Transportation Networks and Economic Equilibrium: Modeling Issues and Applications
RH van Nieuwkoop
ETH Zurich, 2014
Modelling the energy transition: a nexus of energy system and economic models. Energy Strategy Rev 2018; 20: 229–35
P Crespo del Granado, RH van Nieuwkoop, EG Kardakos, C Schaffner
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