Christopher Dunlap
Christopher Dunlap
NCAUR, Crop Bioprotection Research Unit, USDA Peoria, IL
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Ecological considerations in producing and formulating fungal entomopathogens for use in insect biocontrol
MA Jackson, CA Dunlap, ST Jaronski
BioControl 55, 129-145, 2010
Bacillus velezensis is not a later heterotypic synonym of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens; Bacillus methylotrophicus, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp. plantarum and ‘Bacillus …
CA Dunlap, SJ Kim, SW Kwon, AP Rooney
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 66 (3 …, 2016
Bacillus velezensis RC 218 as a biocontrol agent to reduce Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol accumulation: Genome sequencing and secondary metabolite cluster profiles
JM Palazzini, CA Dunlap, MJ Bowman, SN Chulze
Microbiological research 192, 30-36, 2016
Insight into the Catalytic Mechanism of DNA Polymerase β:  Structures of Intermediate Complexes,
JW Arndt, W Gong, X Zhong, AK Showalter, J Liu, CA Dunlap, Z Lin, ...
Biochemistry 40 (18), 5368-5375, 2001
Roadmap for naming uncultivated Archaea and Bacteria
AE Murray, J Freudenstein, S Gribaldo, R Hatzenpichler, P Hugenholtz, ...
Nature microbiology 5 (8), 987-994, 2020
Draconibacterium orientale gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from two distinct marine environments, and proposal of Draconibacteriaceae fam. nov.
ZJ Du, Y Wang, C Dunlap, AP Rooney, GJ Chen
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 64 (Pt_5 …, 2014
Use of 2-aminopurine and tryptophan fluorescence as probes in kinetic analyses of DNA polymerase β
CA Dunlap, MD Tsai
Biochemistry 41 (37), 11226-11235, 2002
Impact of solvent on electrospinning of zein and analysis of resulting fibers
GW Selling, A Biswas, A Patel, DJ Walls, C Dunlap, Y Wei
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 208 (9), 1002-1010, 2007
Phylogenetic relationships in the family Streptomycetaceae using multi-locus sequence analysis
DP Labeda, CA Dunlap, X Rong, Y Huang, JR Doroghazi, KS Ju, ...
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 110, 563-583, 2017
Genomic analysis and secondary metabolite production in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens AS 43.3: a biocontrol antagonist of Fusarium head blight
CA Dunlap, MJ Bowman, DA Schisler
Biological Control 64 (2), 166-175, 2013
Silicon site distributions in an alkali silicate glass derived by two-dimensional 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance
P Zhang, C Dunlap, P Florian, PJ Grandinetti, I Farnan, JF Stebbins
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 204 (3), 294-300, 1996
Infection of Helicoverpa armigera by endophytic Beauveria bassiana colonizing tomato plants
MA Qayyum, W Wakil, MJ Arif, ST Sahi, CA Dunlap
Biological Control 90, 200-207, 2015
Bacillus paralicheniformis sp. nov., isolated from fermented soybean paste
CA Dunlap, SW Kwon, AP Rooney, SJ Kim
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 65 (Pt_10 …, 2015
Structural characterization of novel sophorolipid biosurfactants from a newly identified species of Candida yeast
NPJ Price, KJ Ray, KE Vermillion, CA Dunlap, CP Kurtzman
Carbohydrate Research 348, 33-41, 2012
Iturinic Lipopeptide Diversity in the Bacillus subtilis Species Group – Important Antifungals for Plant Disease Biocontrol Applications
CA Dunlap, MJ Bowman, AP Rooney
Frontiers in microbiology 10, 1794, 2019
Cyclic lipopeptide profile of three Bacillus subtilis strains; antagonists of Fusarium head blight
CA Dunlap, DA Schisler, NP Price, SF Vaughn
The Journal of Microbiology 49, 603-609, 2011
Efficacy of Steinernema carpocapsae for control of the lesser peachtree borer, Synanthedon pictipes: Improved aboveground suppression with a novel gel application
DI Shapiro-Ilan, TE Cottrell, RF Mizell III, DL Horton, RW Behle, ...
Biological Control 54 (1), 23-28, 2010
Host blood-meal source has a strong impact on gut microbiota of Aedes aegypti
EJ Muturi, C Dunlap, JL Ramirez, AP Rooney, CH Kim
FEMS microbiology ecology 95 (1), fiy213, 2019
β-Lactoglobulin− dextran conjugates: effect of polysaccharide size on emulsion stability
CA Dunlap, GL Côté
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53 (2), 419-423, 2005
Phylogenomic analysis shows that Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp. plantarum is a later heterotypic synonym of Bacillus methylotrophicus
CA Dunlap, SJ Kim, SW Kwon, AP Rooney
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65 (Pt_7 …, 2015
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