Marta Zárraga-Rodríguez
Marta Zárraga-Rodríguez
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Key competencies for entrepreneurship
L Robles, M Zárraga-Rodríguez
Procedia Economics and Finance 23, 828-832, 2015
Herramienta para evaluar el funcionamiento de los equipos de trabajo en entornos docentes
E Viles Diez, M Zárraga-Rodríguez, C Jaca García
Intangible capital 9 (1), 281-304, 2013
Exploring the links between information capability and the EFQM business excellence model: the case of Basque Country Quality award winners
M Zárraga-Rodríguez, MJ Alvarez
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 24 (5-6), 539-560, 2013
Does the EFQM model identify and reinforce information capability?
M Zárraga-Rodríguez, MJ Álvarez
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 109, 716-721, 2014
Tool to assess teamwork performance in higher education
EV Diez, M Zárraga-Rodríguez, CJ García
Intangible Capital 9 (1), 281-304, 2013
Enablers of team effectiveness in higher education: Lecturers’ and students’ perceptions at an engineering school
M Zarraga-Rodriguez, C Jaca, E Viles
Team Performance Management 21 (5/6), 274-292, 2015
Desarrollo de la competencia de trabajo en equipo en un grado universitario.
C Jaca, E Viles, M Zárraga-Rodríguez
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, 2016
ÁB Alcalá, MDZ Rodríguez
Ediciones Díaz de Santos, 2012
Exploring information capability and its role in innovation
C Jaca, MZ Rodríguez, EVV Tecnun, MJ Álvarez
Journal of Globalization, Competitiveness & Governability/Revista de …, 2016
Analysis of known linear distributed average consensus algorithms on cycles and paths
J Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, M Zárraga-Rodríguez, X Insausti
Sensors 18 (4), 968, 2018
Efficient information-related practices in companies committed to EFQM
M Zárraga-Rodríguez, MJ Álvarez
The TQM Journal 28 (6), 798-813, 2016
An assessment of the impact of social networks on collaborative learning at college level
I Rodríguez-Tejedo, S Lara, M Zárraga-Rodríguez, V Rodríguez-Chacón
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 47, 1616-1621, 2012
A mathematical model for the analysis of jet engine fuel consumption during aircraft cruise
F Velásquez-SanMartín, X Insausti, M Zárraga-Rodríguez, ...
Energies 14 (12), 3649, 2021
Rate-distortion function upper bounds for Gaussian vectors and their applications in coding AR sources
J Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, M Zárraga-Rodríguez, FM Villar-Rosety, X Insausti
Entropy 20 (6), 399, 2018
On the complexity reduction of coding WSS vector processes by using a sequence of block circulant matrices
J Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, M Zárraga-Rodríguez, X Insausti, BO Hogstad
Entropy 19 (3), 95, 2017
Rate distortion function of Gaussian asymptotically WSS vector processes
J Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, M Zárraga-Rodríguez, PM Crespo, X Insausti
Entropy 20 (9), 719, 2018
Teamwork competence assessment
E Viles, C Jaca, M Zárraga-Rodríguez
1st International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAD'15), 42-496, 2015
Information practices and competences that evidence information capability in a company
M Zarraga-Rodriguez, MJ Alvarez
Professor TD Wilson, 2015
On the asymptotic optimality of a low-complexity coding strategy for WSS, MA, and AR vector sources
J Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, M Zárraga-Rodríguez, X Insausti
Entropy 22 (12), 1378, 2020
Upper bounds for the rate distortion function of finite-length data blocks of Gaussian WSS sources
J Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, M Zárraga-Rodríguez, X Insausti
Entropy 19 (10), 554, 2017
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