Tine Lehmann
Tine Lehmann
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin
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Bridging the Institutional Void: An Analytical Concept to Develop Valuable Cluster Services
T Schrammel
management revue. The International Review of Management Studies 24 (2), 114-132, 2013
Cluster Policy in the Light of Institutional Context—A Comparative Study of Transition Countries
T Lehmann, M Benner
Administrative Sciences 5 (4), 188-212, 2015
Cluster activities in different institutional environments. Case studies of ICT-Clusters from Austria, Germany, Ukraine and Serbia
A Konstantynova, T Lehmann
Administrative Sciences 7 (2), 11, 2017
Clusters as an Instrument to Bridge Institutional Voids in Transition Economies: Lessons Learned from Southeast Europe
T Schrammel
Springer Verlag, 2014
Business Membership Organizations as a policy approach to increase SMEs’ EU funds absorption
T Stolz, T Schrammel
7th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional …, 2014
Comeback or evolution? Examining organizational resilience literature in pre and during COVID-19
T Paeffgen, T Lehmann, M Feseker
Continuity & Resilience Review 6 (1), 1-27, 2024
Tourism development in transition economies of the western Balkans:–Addressing the seeming oxymoron of institutional voids and tourism growth
T Lehmann, W Gronau
Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft 11 (1), 45-64, 2019
Clusters as an adaptable regional development measure to mitigate perceived competitive disadvantages
T Lehmann, C Jungwirth
International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 10 (2), 105-126, 2019
Boosting the Employability of Students and Staff at European Higher Education Institutions: An Educational Framework for Entrepreneurship, Internationalisation and Innovation
C Saulich, T Lehmann
Third International Conference on Higher Education Advances, At Valencia …, 2017
Institutional asymmetries in a low-coordination economy: the smart specialization paradox in Bosnia and Herzegovina
T Lehmann, M Benner, A Kapo
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 2022
Internationalising education–Cross-country co-teaching among European higher education institutions
V Wohlgemuth, C Saulich, T Lehmann
Refugee Entrepreneurship in Germany: An Institutional Voids Perspective
T Lehmann, H Albaba, S Kreiter-Sammet
Disadvantaged Minorities in Business, 129-151, 2022
Challenges in Higher Education Teaching Collaborations–a CAGE distance framework analysis
V Wohlgemuth, T Lehmann, A Ammeraal
6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20), 735-742, 2020
Transnational student consultancy–An integrated approach to business students’ learning
T Lehmann, C Saulich, V Wohlgemuth
4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAD'18), 303-311, 2018
Cluster Support Across Europe: A Smart Tool for Mitigating Perceived Local Problems?
T Lehmann, C Jungwirth
Clusters as a Driving Power of the European Economy, 67-80, 2016
SME Market Entry in Transition Economies: The Potential of Cluster Initiatives to fill Institutional Voids
T Schrammel
European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation ECEI, 507–513, 2010
Competitiveness in Transition Economies: Reducing Institutional Voids with the Cluster Approach
T Schrammel
Journal of Emerging Markets Studies 1 (1), 2013
Regional clusters in transition economies: solving institutional voids to generate internationalization advantages
T Lehmann, N Roy
The Globalization of Regional Clusters, 105-126, 2021
Exploring institutional dynamics in a multi-level analysis in Southeast Europe
T Lehmann
Post-Communist Economies 36 (7), 852-880, 2024
Proximity in International Teaching Collaborations: The Case of INTENSE
T Lehmann, V Wohlgemuth, S ObermanPeterka, M van de Wijngaarden, ...
The Internationalization of Higher Education, 105-118, 2023
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