Richard Feachem
Richard Feachem
Professor of Global Health, University of California San Francisco
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Sanitation and disease: health aspects of excreta and wastewater management
RG Feachem, RGA Feachem, DJ Bradley, H Garelick, DD Mara
Wiley, 1983
Global health 2035: a world converging within a generation
DT Jamison, LH Summers, G Alleyne, KJ Arrow, S Berkley, A Binagwaho, ...
The lancet 382 (9908), 1898-1955, 2013
Expansion of cancer care and control in countries of low and middle income: a call to action
P Farmer, J Frenk, FM Knaul, LN Shulman, G Alleyne, L Armstrong, ...
The Lancet 376 (9747), 1186-1193, 2010
Interventions for the control of diarrhoeal diseases among young children: improving water supplies and excreta disposal facilities
SA Esrey, RG Feachem, JM Hughes
Bulletin of the World Health organization 63 (4), 757, 1985
Environmental health engineering in the tropics: Water, sanitation and disease control
S Cairncross, R Feachem
Routledge, 2018
The changing epidemiology of malaria elimination: new strategies for new challenges
C Cotter, HJW Sturrock, MS Hsiang, J Liu, AA Phillips, J Hwang, ...
The Lancet 382 (9895), 900-911, 2013
Interventions for the control of diarrhoeal diseases among young children: promotion of breast-feeding.
RG Feachem, MA Koblinsky
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 62 (2), 271, 1984
Disease and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa
DT Jamison
World Bank Publications, 2006
Getting more for their dollar: a comparison of the NHS with California's Kaiser PermanenteCommentary: Funding is not the only factorCommentary: Same price, better …
RGA Feachem, J Dixon, DM Berwick, AC Enthoven, NK Sekhri, KL White
Bmj 324 (7330), 135-143, 2002
Shrinking the malaria map: progress and prospects
RGA Feachem, AA Phillips, J Hwang, C Cotter, B Wielgosz, ...
The Lancet 376 (9752), 1566-1578, 2010
Interventions for the control of diarrhoeal diseases among young children: rotavirus and cholera immunization.
I De Zoysa, RG Feachem
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 63 (3), 569, 1985
Measuring the impact of water supply and sanitation investments on diarrhoeal diseases: problems of methodology
D Blum, RG Feachem
International journal of epidemiology 12 (3), 357-365, 1983
Malaria eradication within a generation: ambitious, achievable, and necessary
RGA Feachem, I Chen, O Akbari, A Bertozzi-Villa, S Bhatt, F Binka, ...
The Lancet 394 (10203), 1056-1112, 2019
Interventions for the control of diarrhoeal diseases among young children: promotion of personal and domestic hygiene.
RG Feachem
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 62 (3), 467, 1984
The health of adults in the developing world
RG Feachem
World Bank Publications, 1992
Communicating and monitoring surveillance and response activities for malaria elimination: China's “1-3-7” strategy
J Cao, HJW Sturrock, C Cotter, S Zhou, H Zhou, Y Liu, L Tang, ...
PLoS medicine 11 (5), e1001642, 2014
Water, wastes and health in hot climates.
RG Feachem, MG McGarry, DD Mara
A new global malaria eradication strategy
R Feachem, O Sabot
The Lancet 371 (9624), 1633-1635, 2008
Water, health and development. An interdisciplinary evaluation.
R Feachem
A case-control study of the impact of improved sanitation on diarrhoea morbidity in Lesotho.
DL Daniels, SN Cousens, LN Makoae, RG Feachem
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 68 (4), 455, 1990
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