Abhijit Mitra
Abhijit Mitra
Professor (Retired) CCNSB, IIIT Hyderabad
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Non-canonical base pairs and higher order structures in nucleic acids: crystal structure database analysis
J Das, S Mukherjee, A Mitra, D Bhattacharyya
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 24 (2), 149-161, 2006
MD simulations of ligand-bound and ligand-free aptamer: molecular level insights into the binding and switching mechanism of the add A-riboswitch
M Sharma, G Bulusu, A Mitra
RNA 15 (9), 1673-1692, 2009
Understanding the Thermostability and Activity of Bacillus subtilis Lipase Mutants: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
B Singh, G Bulusu, A Mitra
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119 (2), 392-409, 2015
Trans Hoogsteen/sugar edge base pairing in RNA. Structures, energies, and stabilities from quantum chemical calculations
A Mladek, P Sharma, A Mitra, D Bhattacharyya, J Sponer, JE Šponer
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (6), 1743-1755, 2009
Quantum chemical studies of structures and binding in noncanonical RNA base pairs: the trans Watson-Crick: Watson-Crick family
P Sharma, A Mitra, S Sharma, H Singh, D Bhattacharyya
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 25 (6), 709-732, 2008
Protonation of base pairs in RNA: context analysis and quantum chemical investigations of their geometries and stabilities
M Chawla, P Sharma, S Halder, D Bhattacharyya, A Mitra
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115 (6), 1469-1484, 2011
Theoretical analysis of noncanonical base pairing interactions in RNA molecules
D Bhattacharyya, SC Koripella, A Mitra, VB Rajendran, B Sinha
Journal of biosciences 32, 809-825, 2007
On the role of Hoogsteen: Hoogsteen interactions in RNA: Ab initio investigations of structures and energies
P Sharma, M Chawla, S Sharma, A Mitra
Rna 16 (5), 942-957, 2010
On the Role of the cis Hoogsteen: Sugar-Edge Family of Base Pairs in Platforms and Triplets - Quantum Chemical Insights into RNA Structural Biology
P Sharma, JE Šponer, J Šponer, S Sharma, D Bhattacharyya, A Mitra
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (9), 3307-3320, 2010
Feasibility of occurrence of different types of protonated base pairs in RNA: a quantum chemical study
A Halder, S Halder, D Bhattacharyya, et al.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (34), 18383-18396, 2014
Plant Metabolomics: An Emerging Technology for Crop Improvement
K Sharma, S Sarma, A Bohra, A Mitra, NK Sharma, A Kumar
New Visions in Plant Science 4, 65-79, 2018
Thermal and photochemical transformations of hetero‐1, 3, 5‐hexatrienes into five‐membered rings—possible pericyclic reactions
MV George, A Mitra, KB Sukumaran
Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 19 (12), 973-983, 1980
Comparative modeling of thioredoxin glutathione reductase from Schistosoma mansoni: a multifunctional target for antischistosomal therapy
M Sharma, S Khanna, G Bulusu, A Mitra
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 27 (6), 665-675, 2009
Structural landscape of base pairs containing post-transcriptional modifications in RNA
PP Seelam, P Sharma, A Mitra
RNA 23 (6), 847-859, 2017
The role of N7 protonation of guanine in determining the structure, stability and function of RNA base pairs
A Halder, S Bhattacharya, A Datta, D Bhattacharyya, A Mitra
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (39), 26249-26263, 2015
Modeling the noncovalent interactions at the metabolite binding site in purine riboswitches
P Sharma, S Sharma, M Chawla, A Mitra
Journal of molecular modeling 15, 633-649, 2009
Base pairing in RNA structures: A computational analysis of structural aspects and interaction energies
P Sharma, A Mitra, S Sharma, H Singh
Journal of Chemical Sciences 119, 525-531, 2007
Estimating Strengths of Individual Hydrogen Bonds in RNA Base Pairs: Toward a Consensus between Different Computational Approaches
A Halder, D Data, PP Seelam, D Bhattacharyya, A Mitra
ACS Omega 4, 7354-7368, 2019
1, 3‐Dipolare Cycloadditionen, 93 Überraschungen bei der Umsetzung des 2, 3‐Dicyanfumarsäure‐dimethylesters mit Diazomethan
R Huisgen, A Mitra, JR Moran
Chemische Berichte 120 (2), 159-169, 1987
Why does substitution of thymine by 6-ethynylpyridone increase the thermostability of DNA double helices?
A Halder, A Datta, D Bhattacharyya, A Mitra
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (24), 6586-6596, 2014
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