Melissa Cregger
Melissa Cregger
Staff Scientist
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Direct and indirect effects of climate change on soil microbial and soil microbial‐plant interactions: What lies ahead?
AT Classen, MK Sundqvist, JA Henning, GS Newman, JAM Moore, ...
Ecosphere 6 (8), 1-21, 2015
Soil ecosystem functioning under climate change: plant species and community effects
P Kardol, MA Cregger, CE Campany, AT Classen
Ecology 91 (3), 767-781, 2010
The Populus holobiont: dissecting the effects of plant niches and genotype on the microbiome
MA Cregger, AM Veach, ZK Yang, MJ Crouch, R Vilgalys, GA Tuskan, ...
Microbiome 6, 1-14, 2018
Immunohistochemistry and quantitative analysis of protein expression
M Cregger, AJ Berger, DL Rimm
Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine 130 (7), 1026-1030, 2006
Response of the soil microbial community to changes in precipitation in a semiarid ecosystem
MA Cregger, CW Schadt, NG McDowell, WT Pockman, AT Classen
Applied and environmental Microbiology 78 (24), 8587-8594, 2012
Quantitative in situ analysis of β-catenin expression in breast cancer shows decreased expression is associated with poor outcome
M Dolled-Filhart, A McCabe, J Giltnane, M Cregger, RL Camp, DL Rimm
Cancer research 66 (10), 5487-5494, 2006
A multi-omic systems-based approach reveals metabolic markers of bacterial vaginosis and insight into the disease
CJ Yeoman, SM Thomas, MEB Miller, AV Ulanov, M Torralba, S Lucas, ...
PloS one 8 (2), e56111, 2013
Rhizosphere microbiomes diverge among Populus trichocarpa plant-host genotypes and chemotypes, but it depends on soil origin
AM Veach, R Morris, DZ Yip, ZK Yang, NL Engle, MA Cregger, ...
Microbiome 7, 1-15, 2019
Classification of breast cancer using genetic algorithms and tissue microarrays
M Dolled-Filhart, L Rydén, M Cregger, K Jirström, M Harigopal, ...
Clinical cancer research 12 (21), 6459-6468, 2006
The impact of precipitation change on nitrogen cycling in a semi‐arid ecosystem
MA Cregger, NG McDowell, RE Pangle, WT Pockman, AT Classen
Functional ecology 28 (6), 1534-1544, 2014
Fecal microbiomes of non‐human primates in Western Uganda reveal species‐specific communities largely resistant to habitat perturbation
AI McCord, CA Chapman, G Weny, A Tumukunde, D Hyeroba, K Klotz, ...
American journal of primatology 76 (4), 347-354, 2014
Lack of extracellular signal-regulated kinase mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling shows a new type of melanoma
JM Shields, NE Thomas, M Cregger, AJ Berger, M Leslie, C Torrice, ...
Cancer research 67 (4), 1502-1512, 2007
Quantitative measurement of epidermal growth factor receptor is a negative predictive factor for tamoxifen response in hormone receptor–positive premenopausal breast cancer
JM Giltnane, L Rydén, M Cregger, PO Bendahl, K Jirstrom, DL Rimm
Journal of clinical oncology 25 (21), 3007-3014, 2007
Antibody validation by quantitative analysis of protein expression using expression of Met in breast cancer as a model
S Pozner-Moulis, M Cregger, RL Camp, DL Rimm
Laboratory investigation 87 (3), 251-260, 2007
Non-additive effects of genotypic diversity increase floral abundance and abundance of floral visitors
MA Genung, JP Lessard, CB Brown, WA Bunn, MA Cregger, ...
PLoS One 5 (1), e8711, 2010
Standardization of HER2 immunohistochemistry in breast cancer by automated quantitative analysis
MD Gustavson, B Bourke-Martin, D Reilly, M Cregger, C Williams, ...
Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine 133 (9), 1413-1419, 2009
Methanogenic Archaea dominate mature heartwood habitats of Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoides)
DZ Yip, AM Veach, ZK Yang, MA Cregger, CW Schadt
New Phytologist 222 (1), 115-121, 2019
Microbial communities respond to experimental warming, but site matters
MA Cregger, NJ Sanders, RR Dunn, AT Classen
PeerJ 2, e358, 2014
Fire alters plant microbiome assembly patterns: integrating the plant and soil microbial response to disturbance
NC Dove, DM Klingeman, AA Carrell, MA Cregger, CW Schadt
New Phytologist 230 (6), 2433-2446, 2021
Development of an unsupervised pixel-based clustering algorithm for compartmentalization of immunohistochemical expression using Automated QUantitative Analysis
MD Gustavson, B Bourke-Martin, DM Reilly, M Cregger, C Williams, ...
Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology 17 (4), 329-337, 2009
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