elena fernandez
elena fernandez
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A compact model and tight bounds for a combined location-routing problem
M Albareda-Sambola, JA Dı́az, E Fernández
Computers & operations research 32 (3), 407-428, 2005
Heuristic solutions to the problem of routing school buses with multiple objectives
A Corberán, E Fernández, M Laguna, R Marti
Journal of the operational research society 53 (4), 427-435, 2002
The tree of hubs location problem
I Contreras, E Fernández, A Marín
European Journal of Operational Research 202 (2), 390-400, 2010
A reactive GRASP for a commercial territory design problem with multiple balancing requirements
RZ Ríos-Mercado, E Fernández
Computers & Operations Research 36 (3), 755-776, 2009
A tabu search heuristic for the generalized assignment problem
JA Dıaz, E Fernández
European Journal of Operational Research 132 (1), 22-38, 2001
Reactive GRASP and tabu search based heuristics for the single source capacitated plant location problem
H Delmaire, JA Díaz, E Fernández, M Ortega
INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research 37 (3), 194-225, 1999
General network design: A unified view of combined location and network design problems
I Contreras, E Fernández
European Journal of Operational Research 219 (3), 680-697, 2012
Solving an urban waste collection problem using ants heuristics
J Bautista, E Fernández, J Pereira
Computers & Operations Research 35 (9), 3020-3033, 2008
Hybrid scatter search and path relinking for the capacitated p-median problem
JA Díaz, E Fernandez
European Journal of Operational Research 169 (2), 570-585, 2006
Lagrangean relaxation for the capacitated hub location problem with single assignment
I Contreras, JA Díaz, E Fernández
OR spectrum 31, 483-505, 2009
Heuristic and lower bound for a stochastic location-routing problem
M Albareda-Sambola, E Fernández, G Laporte
European Journal of Operational Research 179 (3), 940-955, 2007
Branch and price for large-scale capacitated hub location problems with single assignment
I Contreras, JA Díaz, E Fernández
INFORMS Journal on Computing 23 (1), 41-55, 2011
Tight bounds from a path based formulation for the tree of hub location problem
I Contreras, E Fernández, A Marín
Computers & Operations Research 36 (12), 3117-3127, 2009
The multi-period incremental service facility location problem
M Albareda-Sambola, E Fernández, Y Hinojosa, J Puerto
Computers & Operations Research 36 (5), 1356-1375, 2009
The dynamic multiperiod vehicle routing problem with probabilistic information
M Albareda-Sambola, E Fernández, G Laporte
Computers & Operations Research 48, 31-39, 2014
The shared customer collaboration vehicle routing problem
E Fernández, M Roca-Riu, MG Speranza
European journal of operational research 265 (3), 1078-1093, 2018
Multiobjective solution of the uncapacitated plant location problem
E Fernández, J Puerto
European Journal of Operational Research 145 (3), 509-529, 2003
A branch-and-price algorithm for the single source capacitated plant location problem
JA Díaz, E Fernández
Journal of the Operational Research Society 53 (7), 728-740, 2002
Multiperiod location-routing with decoupled time scales
M Albareda-Sambola, E Fernández, S Nickel
European journal of operational research 217 (2), 248-258, 2012
Privatized rural postman problems
J Aráoz, E Fernández, C Zoltan
Computers & operations research 33 (12), 3432-3449, 2006
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