Covadonga Arias
Covadonga Arias
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Characterization of the gut microbiota of three commercially valuable warmwater fish species
AM Larsen, HH Mohammed, CR Arias
Journal of applied microbiology 116 (6), 1396-1404, 2014
Fish intestinal microbiome: diversity and symbiosis unravelled by metagenomics
AM Tarnecki, FA Burgos, CL Ray, CR Arias
Journal of applied microbiology 123 (1), 2-17, 2017
Diversity of the skin microbiota of fishes: evidence for host species specificity
A Larsen, Z Tao, SA Bullard, CR Arias
FEMS microbiology ecology 85 (3), 483-494, 2013
Yeast species associated with orange juice: evaluation of different identification methods
CR Arias, JK Burns, LM Friedrich, RM Goodrich, ME Parish
Applied and environmental microbiology 68 (4), 1955-1961, 2002
Flavobacterium columnare genomovar influences mortality in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
CA Shoemaker, O Olivares-Fuster, CR Arias, PH Klesius
Veterinary Microbiology 127 (3-4), 353-359, 2008
Use of modified live vaccines in aquaculture
CA Shoemaker, PH Klesius, JJ Evans, CR Arias
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 40 (5), 573-585, 2009
Genetic fingerprinting of Flavobacterium columnare isolates from cultured fish
CR Arias, TL Welker, CA Shoemaker, JW Abernathy, PH Klesius
Journal of Applied Microbiology 97 (2), 421-428, 2004
Transmission and detection of Flavobacterium columnare in channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus
TL Welker, CA Shoemaker, CR Arias, PH Klesius
Diseases of aquatic organisms 63 (2-3), 129-138, 2005
Isolation and characterization of strains of Flavobacterium columnare from Brazil
HCP Figueiredo, PH Klesius, CR Arias, J Evans, CA Shoemaker, ...
Journal of Fish Diseases 28 (4), 199-204, 2005
Biofilm formation by the fish pathogen Flavobacterium columnare: development and parameters affecting surface attachment
W Cai, L De La Fuente, CR Arias
Applied and environmental microbiology 79 (18), 5633-5642, 2013
Nested PCR method for rapid and sensitive detection of Vibrio vulnificus in fish, sediments, and water
CR Arias, E Garay, R Aznar
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61 (9), 3476-3478, 1995
Low incidence of Vibrio vulnificus among Vibrio isolates from sea water and shellfish of the western Mediterranean coast
CR Arias, MC Macián, R Aznar, E Garay, MJ Pujalte
Journal of Applied Microbiology 86 (1), 125-134, 1999
Transcriptional regulation of hypoxia inducible factors alpha (HIF-α) and their inhibiting factor (FIH-1) of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) under hypoxia
X Geng, J Feng, S Liu, Y Wang, C Arias, Z Liu
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2014
Community Structure of Skin Microbiome of Gulf Killifish, Fundulus grandis, Is Driven by Seasonality and Not Exposure to Oiled Sediments in a Louisiana Salt Marsh
AM Larsen, SA Bullard, M Womble, CR Arias
Microbial ecology 70, 534-544, 2015
Catfish hybrid Ictalurus punctatus× I. furcatus exhibits higher resistance to columnaris disease than the parental species
CR Arias, W Cai, E Peatman, SA Bullard
Diseases of aquatic organisms 100 (1), 77-81, 2012
Comparative phenotypic and genotypic analysis of Edwardsiella isolates from different hosts and geographic origins, with emphasis on isolates formerly classified as E. tarda …
SR Reichley, C Ware, J Steadman, PS Gaunt, JC García, BR LaFrentz, ...
Journal of Clinical Microbiology 55 (12), 3466-3491, 2017
Intraspecific differentiation of Vibrio vulnificus biotypes by amplified fragment length polymorphism and ribotyping
CR Arias, L Verdonck, J Swings, E Garay, R Aznar
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63 (7), 2600-2606, 1997
Effects of ploidy and gear on the performance of cultured oysters, Crassostrea virginica: survival, growth, shape, condition index and Vibrio abundances
WC Walton, FS Rikard, GI Chaplin, JE Davis, CR Arias, JE Supan
Aquaculture 414, 260-266, 2013
Protoplast transformation and regeneration of transgenic Valencia sweet orange plants containing a juice quality-related pectin methylesterase gene
W Guo, Y Duan, O Olivares-Fuster, Z Wu, CR Arias, JK Burns, JW Grosser
Plant Cell Reports 24, 482-486, 2005
Bacterial loads and microbial composition in high pressure treated oysters during storage
N Prapaiwong, RK Wallace, CR Arias
International journal of food microbiology 131 (2-3), 145-150, 2009
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