Oscar Peña del Rio
Oscar Peña del Rio
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Citizen-centric data services for smarter cities
U Aguilera, O Peña, O Belmonte, D López-de-Ipiña
Future Generation Computer Systems 76, 234-247, 2017
Citizen-centric linked data apps for smart cities
D López-de-Ipiña, S Vanhecke, O Peña, T De Nies, E Mannens
Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Context-Awareness and Context …, 2013
Linked open data as the fuel for smarter cities
M Emaldi, O Peña, J Lázaro, D López-de-Ipiña
Modeling and Processing for Next-Generation Big-Data Technologies: With …, 2015
Exploring LOD through metadata extraction and data-driven visualizations
O Peña, U Aguilera, D López-de-Ipiña
Program 50 (3), 270-287, 2016
Linked open data visualization revisited: a survey
O Peña, U Aguilera, D López-de-Ipiña
Semantic Web Journal, 2014
To trust, or not to trust: Highlighting the need for data provenance in mobile apps for smart cities
M Emaldi, O Pena, J Lázaro, S Vanhecke, E Mannens
IMMoA 2013 - 3rd International Workshop on Information Management in Mobile …, 2013
Enable tweet-geolocation and don’t drive ERTs crazy! Improving situational awareness using Twitter
J Sixto, O Pena, B Klein, D López-de-Ipina
SMERST 2013, 2013
Montessori in the mobile era: Building new learning experiences through tangible user interfaces
P Garaizar, O Peña, JA Romero
INTED 2013, 2013
Swiping fingers on a screen is not enough! Dusting off toy blocks to build new gaming experiences through mobile apps
P Garaizar, O Peña, JA Romero
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (IEEE EDUCON), 2013
Short Paper: Semantic Annotations for Sensor Open Data.
M Emaldi, J Lázaro, U Aguilera, O Pena, DL De Ipiña
SSN, 115-120, 2012
Labman: a Research Information System to Foster Insight Discovery Through Visualizations
O Pena, U Aguilera, A Almeida, D López-de-Ipina
Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR), 286-297, 2015
Resource Classification as the Basis for a Visualization Pipeline in LOD Scenarios
O Pena, U Aguilera, D López-de-Ipina
Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR), 457-460, 2015
Visual Analysis of a Research Group’s Performance thanks to Linked Open Data
O Peña, J Lázaro, A Almeida, P Orduña, U Aguilera, D López-de-Ipina
Linked Data for Knowledge Discovery 10, 79-103, 2014
Enabling Citizen-empowered Apps over Linked Data
D López-de-Ipiña, S Vanhecke, O Peña, E Mannnens
Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Context-Awareness and Context …, 2013
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