Rubén Moreno-Opo
Rubén Moreno-Opo
PhD in Biology, Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition
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Roles of raptors in a changing world: from flagships to providers of key ecosystem services
JA Donázar, A Cortés-Avizanda, JA Fargallo, A Margalida, M Moleón, ...
Ardeola 63 (1), 181-234, 2016
Supplanting ecosystem services provided by scavengers raises greenhouse gas emissions
Z Morales-Reyes, JM Pérez-García, M Moleón, F Botella, M Carrete, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 7811, 2015
Minimising mortality in endangered raptors due to power lines: the importance of spatial aggregation to optimize the application of mitigation measures
F Guil, M Fernández-Olalla, R Moreno-Opo, I Mosqueda, ME Gómez, ...
PloS one 6 (11), e28212, 2011
Manipulating size, amount and appearance of food inputs to optimize supplementary feeding programs for European vultures
R Moreno-Opo, A Trujillano, Á Arredondo, LM González, A Margalida
Biological Conservation 181, 27-35, 2015
Spatial and temporal movements in Pyrenean bearded vultures (Gypaetus barbatus): Integrating movement ecology into conservation practice
A Margalida, JM Pérez-García, I Afonso, R Moreno-Opo
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 35746, 2016
Behavioral coexistence and feeding efficiency drive niche partitioning in European avian scavengers
R Moreno-Opo, A Trujillano, A Margalida
Behavioral Ecology 27 (4), 1041-1052, 2016
Evaluation of the network of protection areas for the feeding of scavengers in Spain: from biodiversity conservation to greenhouse gas emission savings
Z Morales‐Reyes, JM Pérez‐García, M Moleón, F Botella, M Carrete, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (4), 1120-1129, 2017
Factors influencing the presence of the cinereous vulture Aegypius monachus at carcasses: food preferences and implications for the management of supplementary feeding sites
R Moreno‐Opo, A Margalida, Á Arredondo, F Guil, M Martín, R Higuero, ...
Wildlife Biology 16 (1), 25-34, 2010
Reconciling the conservation of endangered species with economically important anthropogenic activities: interactions between cork exploitation and the cinereous vulture in Spain
A Margalida, R Moreno‐Opo, BE Arroyo, A Arredondo
Animal Conservation 14 (2), 167-174, 2011
Larger size and older age confer competitive advantage: dominance hierarchy within European vulture guild
R Moreno-Opo, A Trujillano, A Margalida
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 2430, 2020
Optimization of supplementary feeding programs for European vultures depends on environmental and management factors
R Moreno-Opo, A Trujillano, A Margalida
Ecosphere 6 (7), 1-15, 2015
Integrating active and passive monitoring to assess sublethal effects and mortality from lead poisoning in birds of prey
E Descalzo, PR Camarero, IS Sánchez-Barbudo, M Martinez-Haro, ...
Science of the Total Environment 750, 142260, 2021
Carcasses provide resources not exclusively to scavengers: patterns of carrion exploitation by passerine birds
R Moreno-Opo, A Margalida
Ecosphere 4 (8), 1-15, 2013
Space–time trends in Spanish bird electrocution rates from alternative information sources
F Guil, MÀ Colomer, R Moreno-Opo, A Margalida
Global Ecology and Conservation 3, 379-388, 2015
European policies on livestock carcasses management did not modify the foraging behavior of a threatened vulture
A Margalida, JM Pérez-García, R Moreno-Opo
Ecological Indicators 80, 66-73, 2017
Effect of methodological and ecological approaches on heterogeneity of nest-site selection of a long-lived vulture
R Moreno-Opo, M Fernández-Olalla, A Margalida, Á Arredondo, F Guil
Plos one 7 (3), e33469, 2012
Impacto de la marea negra del Prestige sobre las aves marinas
SE de Ornitología
SEO/BirdLife, 2003
The role of ponds as feeding habitat for an umbrella species: best management practices for the black stork Ciconia nigra in Spain
R Moreno-Opo, M FernAndez-Olalla, F Guil, A Arredondo, R Higuero, ...
Oryx 45 (3), 448-455, 2011
Null effects of the Garcelon harnessing method and transmitter type on soaring raptors
V García, JJ Iglesias‐Lebrija, R Moreno‐Opo
Ibis 163 (3), 899-912, 2021
Linking sanitary and ecological requirements in the management of avian scavengers: effectiveness of fencing against mammals in supplementary feeding sites
R Moreno-Opo, A Margalida, F García, A Arredondo, C Rodríguez, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 21, 1673-1685, 2012
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