Jerry T. Chiang
Jerry T. Chiang
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Cited by
Cross-layer jamming detection and mitigation in wireless broadcast networks
JT Chiang, YC Hu
Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Mobile …, 2007
Secure and precise location verification using distance bounding and simultaneous multilateration
JT Chiang, JJ Haas, YC Hu
Proceedings of the second ACM conference on Wireless network security, 181-192, 2009
Dynamic jamming mitigation for wireless broadcast networks
JT Chiang, YC Hu
IEEE INFOCOM 2008-The 27th Conference on Computer Communications, 1211-1219, 2008
Secure location verification using simultaneous multilateration
JT Chiang, JJ Haas, J Choi, YC Hu
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 11 (2), 584-591, 2011
Limits on revocation in VANETs
B Liu, JT Chiang, YC Hu
8th international conference on applied cryptography and network security, 38-52, 2010
Fundamental limits on secure clock synchronization and man-in-the-middle detection in fixed wireless networks
JT Chiang, JJ Haas, YC Hu, PR Kumar, J Choi
IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 1962-1970, 2009
Coward attacks in vehicular networks
B Liu, JT Chiang, JJ Haas, YC Hu
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review 14 (3), 34-36, 2010
Load disaggregation using harmonic analysis and regularized optimization
JT Chiang, T Zhang, B Chen, YC Hu
Proceedings of The 2012 Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing …, 2012
CRAFT: A new secure congestion control architecture
D Kim, JT Chiang, YC Hu, A Perrig, PR Kumar
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2010
Redundancy offset narrow spectrum: Countermeasure for signal-cancellation based jamming
SY Chang, YC Hu, J Chiang, SY Chang
Proceedings of the 11th ACM international symposium on Mobility management …, 2013
Secure network-wide clock synchronization in wireless sensor networks
RS Robles, JJ Haas, JT Chiang, YC Hu, PR Kumar
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5616-5621, 2010
Partial deafness: A novel denial-of-service attack in 802.11 networks
J Choi, JT Chiang, D Kim, YC Hu
International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Systems …, 2010
Jim-beam: Using spatial randomness to build jamming-resilient wireless flooding networks
JT Chiang, D Kim, YC Hu
Proceedings of the thirteenth ACM international symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc …, 2012
Secure cooperative spectrum sensing based on sybil-resilient clustering
JT Chiang, YC Hu, P Yadav
2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1075-1081, 2013
Secure topology discovery through network-wide clock synchronization
RS Robles, JJ Haas, JT Chiang, YC Hu, PR Kumar
2010 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM …, 2010
Did you also hear that? Spectrum sensing using Hermitian inner product
JT Chiang, YC Hu
2013 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 2229-2237, 2013
JIM-Beam: Jamming-resilient wireless flooding based on spatial randomness
JT Chiang, YC Hu
MILCOM 2013-2013 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 464-469, 2013
Short paper: a practical view of" mixing" identities in vehicular networks
B Liu, JT Chiang, JJ Haas, YC Hu
Proceedings of the fourth ACM conference on Wireless network security, 157-162, 2011
Using anisotropic magnetoresistive (amr) sensor arrays for electric sub-metering
S Viswanathan, B Chen, HH Nguyen, JT Chiang, D Jung, DKY Yau
Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems …, 2012
Diffie's Wireless Phone: Heterodyning-Based Physical-Layer Encryption
JT Chiang, YC Hu
MILCOM 2013-2013 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 470-475, 2013
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Articles 1–20