Hendrik van Hees
Hendrik van Hees
Akademischer Rat, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt
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Heavy-flavour and quarkonium production in the LHC era: from proton–proton to heavy-ion collisions
A Andronic, F Arleo, R Arnaldi, A Beraudo, E Bruna, D Caffarri, ...
The European Physical Journal C 76, 1-151, 2016
Transport-theoretical description of nuclear reactions
O Buss, T Gaitanos, K Gallmeister, H Van Hees, M Kaskulov, O Lalakulich, ...
Physics Reports 512 (1-2), 1-124, 2012
Heavy-quark probes of the quark-gluon plasma and interpretation of recent data taken at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
H van Hees, V Greco, R Rapp
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 73 (3), 034913, 2006
Heavy-ion collisions at the LHC—last call for predictions
N Armesto, N Borghini, S Jeon, UA Wiedemann, S Abreu, SV Akkelin, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 35 (5), 054001, 2008
Thermalization of heavy quarks in the quark-gluon plasma
H van Hees, R Rapp
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 71 (3), 034907, 2005
Nonperturbative heavy-quark diffusion in the quark-gluon plasma
H Van Hees, M Mannarelli, V Greco, R Rapp
Physical review letters 100 (19), 192301, 2008
Extraction of heavy-flavor transport coefficients in QCD matter
R Rapp, PB Gossiaux, A Andronic, R Averbeck, S Masciocchi, A Beraudo, ...
Nuclear Physics A 979, 21-86, 2018
Dilepton radiation at the CERN super-proton synchrotron
H van Hees, R Rapp
Nuclear Physics A 806 (1-4), 339-387, 2008
Thermal photons and collective flow at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider
H van Hees, C Gale, R Rapp
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 84 (5), 054906, 2011
Renormalization in self-consistent approximation schemes at finite temperature: Theory
H van Hees, J Knoll
Physical Review D 65 (2), 025010, 2001
Comprehensive Interpretation of Thermal Dileptons Measured<? format?> at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron
H van Hees, R Rapp
Physical review letters 97 (10), 102301, 2006
Renormalization of self-consistent approximation schemes at finite temperature. II. Applications to the sunset diagram
H Van Hees, J Knoll
Physical Review D 65 (10), 105005, 2002
Heavy quarks in the quark-gluon plasma
R Rapp, HV Hees
Quark-Gluon Plasma 4, 111-206, 2010
Renormalization in self-consistent approximation schemes at finite temperature. III. Global symmetries
H Van Hees, J Knoll
Physical Review D 66 (2), 025028, 2002
The Chiral Restoration Transition of QCD and Low Mass Dileptons: The Hadron-Parton Phase Transition
R Rapp, J Wambach, H van Hees
Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics, 134-175, 2010
Pseudo-critical enhancement of thermal photons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions?
H van Hees, M He, R Rapp
Nuclear Physics A 933, 256-271, 2015
Thermal dileptons as fireball thermometer and chronometer
R Rapp, H van Hees
Physics Letters B 753, 586-590, 2016
Bottomonium production at RHIC and CERN LHC
L Grandchamp, S Lumpkins, D Sun, H Van Hees, R Rapp
Phys. Rev. C 73 (arXiv: hep-ph/0507314), 2006
Dilepton production in proton-induced reactions at SIS energies with the GiBUU transport model
J Weil, H van Hees, U Mosel
The European Physical Journal A 48, 1-17, 2012
Dilepton production and reaction dynamics in heavy-ion collisions at SIS energies from coarse-grained transport simulations
S Endres, H van Hees, J Weil, M Bleicher
Physical Review C 92 (1), 014911, 2015
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