Charles L. Folk
Charles L. Folk
Professor of Psychology, Villanova University
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Involuntary covert orienting is contingent on attentional control settings.
CL Folk, RW Remington, JC Johnston
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance 18 (4 …, 1992
Selectivity in distraction by irrelevant featural singletons: evidence for two forms of attentional capture.
CL Folk, R Remington
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance 24 (3), 847, 1998
The structure of attentional control: contingent attentional capture by apparent motion, abrupt onset, and color.
CL Folk, RW Remington, JH Wright
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance 20 (2), 317, 1994
Made you blink! Contingent attentional capture produces a spatial blink
CL Folk, AB Leber, HE Egeth
Perception & psychophysics 64 (5), 741-753, 2002
Progress toward resolving the attentional capture debate
SJ Luck, N Gaspelin, CL Folk, RW Remington, J Theeuwes
Visual cognition 29 (1), 1-21, 2021
Aging and shifts of visual spatial attention.
CL Folk, WJ Hoyer
Psychology and aging 7 (3), 453, 1992
Top-down modulation of preattentive processing: Testing the recovery account of contingent capture
CL Folk, R Remington
Visual Cognition 14 (4-8), 445-465, 2006
Bottom-up priming of top-down attentional control settings
CL Folk, RW Remington
Visual Cognition 16 (2-3), 215-231, 2008
Can new objects override attentional control settings?
CL Folk, R Remington
Perception & Psychophysics 61, 727-739, 1999
All set! Evidence of simultaneous attentional control settings for multiple target colors.
JL Irons, CL Folk, RW Remington
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 38 (3), 758, 2012
Contingent attentional capture: A reply to Yantis (1993).
CL Folk, RW Remington, JC Johnston
American Psychological Association 19 (3), 682, 1993
The role of spatial attention in visual word processing.
RS McCann, CL Folk, JC Johnston
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 18 (4 …, 1992
The role of relational information in contingent capture.
SI Becker, CL Folk, RW Remington
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 36 (6 …, 2010
Contingent attentional capture or delayed allocation of attention?
RW Remington, CL Folk, JP Mclean
Perception & Psychophysics 63 (2), 298-307, 2001
Contingent attentional capture by conceptually relevant images.
B Wyble, C Folk, MC Potter
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 39 (3), 861, 2013
Attentional capture does not depend on feature similarity, but on target-nontarget relations
SI Becker, CL Folk, RW Remington
Psychological science 24 (5), 634-647, 2013
Top-down control settings and the attentional blink: Evidence for nonspatial contingent capture
CL Folk, AB Leber, HE Egeth
Visual Cognition 16 (5), 616-642, 2008
Target-uncertainty effects in attentional capture: Color-singleton set or multiple attentional control settings?
CL Folk, BA Anderson
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 17, 421-426, 2010
Variations in the magnitude of attentional capture: Testing a two-process model
BA Anderson, CL Folk
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 72 (2), 342-352, 2010
Do locally defined feature discontinuities capture attention?
CL Folk, S Annett
Perception & Psychophysics 56 (3), 277-287, 1994
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