Pan Xu
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An exact algorithm for the bilevel mixed integer linear programming problem under three simplifying assumptions
P Xu, L Wang
Computers & operations research 41, 309-318, 2014
Allocation problems in ride-sharing platforms: Online matching with offline reusable resources
JP Dickerson, KA Sankararaman, A Srinivasan, P Xu
ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation (TEAC) 9 (3), 1-17, 2021
Adaptive dynamic bipartite graph matching: A reinforcement learning approach
Y Wang, Y Tong, C Long, P Xu, K Xu, W Lv
2019 IEEE 35th international conference on data engineering (ICDE), 1478-1489, 2019
Preference-aware task assignment in on-demand taxi dispatching: An online stable matching approach
B Zhao, P Xu, Y Shi, Y Tong, Z Zhou, Y Zeng
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 33 (01), 2245-2252, 2019
Balancing the tradeoff between profit and fairness in rideshare platforms during high-demand hours
V Nanda, P Xu, KA Sankararaman, J Dickerson, A Srinivasan
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 34 (02), 2210-2217, 2020
New algorithms, better bounds, and a novel model for online stochastic matching
B Brubach, KA Sankararaman, A Srinivasan, P Xu
24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2016), 2016
Mining maximal cliques from an uncertain graph
AP Mukherjee, P Xu, S Tirthapura
2015 IEEE 31st international conference on data engineering, 243-254, 2015
Assigning tasks to workers based on historical data: Online task assignment with two-sided arrivals
JP Dickerson, KA Sankararaman, A Srinivasan, P Xu
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2018
The watermelon algorithm for the bilevel integer linear programming problem
L Wang, P Xu
SIAM Journal on Optimization 27 (3), 1403-1430, 2017
Improved bounds in stochastic matching and optimization
A Baveja, A Chavan, A Nikiforov, A Srinivasan, P Xu
Algorithmica 80, 3225-3252, 2018
Group-level fairness maximization in online bipartite matching
W Ma, P Xu, Y Xu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.13908, 2020
Enumeration of maximal cliques from an uncertain graph
AP Mukherjee, P Xu, S Tirthapura
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 29 (3), 543-555, 2016
Balancing relevance and diversity in online bipartite matching via submodularity
JP Dickerson, KA Sankararaman, A Srinivasan, P Xu
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 1877-1884, 2019
Optimality of clustering properties of space-filling curves
P Xu, S Tirthapura
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 39 (2), 1-27, 2014
Online stochastic matching: New algorithms and bounds
B Brubach, KA Sankararaman, A Srinivasan, P Xu
Algorithmica 82 (10), 2737-2783, 2020
Attenuate locally, win globally: Attenuation-based frameworks for online stochastic matching with timeouts
B Brubach, KA Sankararaman, A Srinivasan, P Xu
Algorithmica 82, 64-87, 2020
A PTAS for a class of stochastic dynamic programs
H Fu, J Li, P Xu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.07742, 2018
Trading the system efficiency for the income equality of drivers in rideshare
Y Xu, P Xu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.06850, 2020
Online resource allocation with matching constraints
J Dickerson, K Sankararaman, K Sarpatwar, A Srinivasan, KL Wu, P Xu
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2019
An optimization approach to gene stacking
P Xu, L Wang, WD Beavis
European Journal of Operational Research 214 (1), 168-178, 2011
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