Gerardo Adesso
Gerardo Adesso
Professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Nottingham
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Colloquium: Quantum coherence as a resource
A Streltsov, G Adesso, MB Plenio
Reviews of Modern Physics 89 (4), 041003, 2017
Measuring Quantum Coherence with Entanglement
A Streltsov, U Singh, HS Dhar, MN Bera, G Adesso
Physical Review Letters 115 (02), 020403, 2015
Continuous variable quantum information: Gaussian states and beyond
G Adesso, S Ragy, AR Lee
Open Systems & Information Dynamics 21 (01n02), 1440001, 2014
Entanglement in continuous-variable systems: recent advances and current perspectives
G Adesso, F Illuminati
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (28), 7821, 2007
Extremal entanglement and mixedness in continuous variable systems
G Adesso, A Serafini, F Illuminati
Physical Review A 70 (2), 022318, 2004
Quantum versus classical correlations in Gaussian states
G Adesso, A Datta
Physical review letters 105 (3), 030501, 2010
Robustness of coherence: an operational and observable measure of quantum coherence
C Napoli, TR Bromley, M Cianciaruso, M Piani, N Johnston, G Adesso
Physical review letters 116 (15), 150502, 2016
Thermodynamics in the quantum regime
F Binder, LA Correa, C Gogolin, J Anders, G Adesso
Fundamental Theories of Physics 195 (1), 2018
Characterizing nonclassical correlations via local quantum uncertainty
D Girolami, T Tufarelli, G Adesso
Physical review letters 110 (24), 240402, 2013
Quantum-enhanced measurements without entanglement
D Braun, G Adesso, F Benatti, R Floreanini, U Marzolino, MW Mitchell, ...
Reviews of Modern Physics 90 (3), 035006, 2018
Measures and applications of quantum correlations
G Adesso, TR Bromley, M Cianciaruso
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (47), 473001, 2016
Frozen quantum coherence
TR Bromley, M Cianciaruso, G Adesso
Physical review letters 114 (21), 210401, 2015
Quantum discord for general two-qubit states: analytical progress
D Girolami, G Adesso
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (5), 052108, 2011
Quantification of Gaussian quantum steering
I Kogias, AR Lee, S Ragy, G Adesso
Physical review letters 114 (6), 060403, 2015
Generalized geometric quantum speed limits
DP Pires, M Cianciaruso, LC Céleri, G Adesso, DO Soares-Pinto
Physical Review X 6 (2), 021031, 2016
Quantum discord determines the interferometric power of quantum states
D Girolami, AM Souza, V Giovannetti, T Tufarelli, JG Filgueiras, ...
Physical Review Letters 112 (21), 210401, 2014
Individual quantum probes for optimal thermometry
LA Correa, M Mehboudi, G Adesso, A Sanpera
Physical Review Letters 114 (22), 220405, 2015
All nonclassical correlations can be activated into distillable entanglement
M Piani, S Gharibian, G Adesso, J Calsamiglia, P Horodecki, A Winter
Physical review letters 106 (22), 220403, 2011
Quantum-enhanced absorption refrigerators
LA Correa, JP Palao, D Alonso, G Adesso
Scientific reports 4 (1), 3949, 2014
Robustness of asymmetry and coherence of quantum states
M Piani, M Cianciaruso, TR Bromley, C Napoli, N Johnston, G Adesso
Physical Review A 93 (4), 042107, 2016
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