Pablo Barberá
Pablo Barberá
Research Scientist, Computational Social Science, Meta
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Tweeting From Left to Right Is Online Political Communication More Than an Echo Chamber?
P Barberá, JT Jost, J Nagler, JA Tucker, R Bonneau
Psychological Science, 2015
Social Media, Political Polarization, and Political Disinformation: A Review of the Scientific Literature
J Tucker, A Guess, P Barberá, C Vaccari, A Siegel, S Sanovich, D Stukal, ...
Birds of the Same Feather Tweet Together. Bayesian Ideal Point Estimation Using Twitter Data.
P Barberá
Political Analysis 23 (1), 76-91, 2015
Social Media, Echo Chambers, and Political Polarization
P Barberá
Social Media and Democracy: The State of the Field, Prospects for Reform, 34, 2020
How Social Media Facilitates Political Protest: Information, Motivation, and Social Networks
JT Jost, P Barberá, R Bonneau, M Langer, M Metzger, J Nagler, J Sterling, ...
Political Psychology 39, 85-118, 2018
Who Leads? Who Follows? Measuring Issue Attention and Agenda Setting by Legislators and the Mass Public Using Social Media Data
P Barberá, A Casas, J Nagler, P Egan, R Bonneau, JT Jost, JA Tucker
American Political Science Review, 2019
From Liberation to Turmoil: Social Media And Democracy
JA Tucker, Y Theocharis, ME Roberts, P Barberá
Journal of Democracy 28 (4), 46-59, 2017
How Social Media Reduces Mass Political Polarization. Evidence from Germany, Spain, and the US
P Barberá
American Political Science Association conference paper, 2015
Understanding the political representativeness of Twitter users
P Barberá, G Rivero
Social Science Computer Review 33 (6), 712-729, 2015
Social capital I: measurement and associations with economic mobility
R Chetty, MO Jackson, T Kuchler, J Stroebel, N Hendren, RB Fluegge, ...
Nature 608 (7921), 108-121, 2022
The critical periphery in the growth of social protests
P Barberá, N Wang, R Bonneau, JT Jost, J Nagler, J Tucker, ...
PloS one 10 (11), 2015
Political expression and action on social media: Exploring the relationship between lower‐and higher‐threshold political activities among twitter users in Italy
C Vaccari, A Valeriani, P Barberá, R Bonneau, JT Jost, J Nagler, ...
Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication 20 (2), 221-239, 2015
Is the left-right scale a valid measure of ideology? Individual-level variation in associations with "left" and" right" and left-right self-placement
PC Bauer, P Barberá, K Ackermann, A Venetz
Political Behavior 39 (3), 553-583, 2017
A Bad Workman Blames His Tweets? The Consequences of Citizens’ Uncivil Twitter Use When Interacting with Party Candidates
Y Theocharis, P Barberá, Z Fazekas, SA Popa, O Parnet
Journal of Communication, 2016
Rooting out corruption or rooting for corruption? The heterogeneous electoral consequences of scandals
P Fernández-Vázquez, P Barberá, G Rivero
Political Science Research and Methods 4 (2), 379-397, 2016
Of echo chambers and contrarian clubs: Exposure to political disagreement among german and italian users of twitter
C Vaccari, A Valeriani, P Barberá, JT Jost, J Nagler, JA Tucker
Social Media+ Society 2 (3), 2056305116664221, 2016
Social capital II: determinants of economic connectedness
R Chetty, MO Jackson, T Kuchler, J Stroebel, N Hendren, RB Fluegge, ...
Nature 608 (7921), 122-134, 2022
Automated text classification of news articles: A practical guide
P Barberá, AE Boydstun, S Linn, R McMahon, J Nagler
Political Analysis, 1-24, 2019
Social media and political communication. A survey of Twitter users during the 2013 Italian general election
C Vaccari, A Valeriani, P Barberá, R Bonneau, JT Jost, J Nagler, J Tucker
Rivista italiana di scienza politica 43 (3), 2013
The New Public Address System: Why Do World Leaders Adopt Social Media?
P Barberá, T Zeitzoff
International Studies Quarterly, 2017
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