Pian Yu
Pian Yu
UCL Computer Science
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Leader–follower flocking based on distributed event‐triggered hybrid control
P Yu, L Ding, ZW Liu, ZH Guan
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 26 (1), 143-153, 2016
Distributed event-triggered communication and control of linear multiagent systems under tactile communication
P Yu, C Fischione, DV Dimarogonas
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (11), 3979-3985, 2018
Consensus of second-order multi-agent systems via impulsive control using sampled hetero-information
L Ding, P Yu, ZW Liu, ZH Guan, G Feng
Automatica 49 (9), 2881-2886, 2013
A distributed event-triggered transmission strategy for exponential consensus of general linear multi-agent systems with directed topology
P Yu, L Ding, ZW Liu, ZH Guan
Journal of the Franklin Institute 352 (12), 5866-5881, 2015
Distributed motion coordination for multirobot systems under LTL specifications
P Yu, DV Dimarogonas
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 38 (2), 1047-1062, 2021
Consensus and performance optimisation of multi‐agent systems with position‐only information via impulsive control
L Ding, P Yu, ZW Liu, ZH Guan
IET Control Theory & Applications 7 (1), 16-24, 2013
Explicit computation of sampling period in periodic event-triggered multiagent control under limited data rate
P Yu, DV Dimarogonas
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 6 (4), 1366-1378, 2018
Distributed event‐triggered consensus of general linear multi‐agent systems with quantised measurements
P Yu, L Ding, ZW Liu, ZH Guan
IET Control Theory & Applications 11 (3), 308-318, 2017
Robust self-triggered control for time-varying and uncertain constrained systems via reachability analysis
Y Gao, P Yu, DV Dimarogonas, KH Johansson, L Xie
Automatica 107, 574-581, 2019
A ros package for human-in-the-loop planning and control under linear temporal logic tasks
R Baran, X Tan, P Varnai, P Yu, S Ahlberg, M Guo, WS Cortez, ...
2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and …, 2021
Flocking with a virtual leader based on distributed event-triggered hybrid control
P Yu, L Ding, ZW Liu, ZH Guan, MX Hu
Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference, 6947-6952, 2013
Hierarchical control for uncertain discrete-time nonlinear systems under signal temporal logic specifications
P Yu, DV Dimarogonas
2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1450-1455, 2021
A fully distributed motion coordination strategy for multi-robot systems with local information
P Yu, DV Dimarogonas
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 1423-1428, 2020
Co-adaptive Human–Robot Cooperation: Summary and Challenges
S Ahlberg, A Axelsson, P Yu, WS Cortez, Y Gao, A Ghadirzadeh, ...
Unmanned Systems 10 (02), 187-203, 2022
Trust-aware motion planning for human-robot collaboration under distribution temporal logic specifications
P Yu, S Dong, S Sheng, L Feng, M Kwiatkowska
2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 12949 …, 2024
Online control synthesis for uncertain systems under signal temporal logic specifications
P Yu, Y Gao, F Jiang, KH Johansson, DV Dimarogonas
International Journal of Robotics Research, …, 2023
A Window-Based Periodic Event-Triggered Consensus Scheme for Multiagent Systems
M Seidel, M Hertneck, P Yu, S Linsenmayer, DV Dimarogonas, F Allgöwer
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 11 (1), 414-426, 2023
Approximately symbolic models for a class of continuous-time nonlinear systems
P Yu, DV Dimarogonas
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4349-4354, 2019
Continuous-time control synthesis under nested signal temporal logic specifications
P Yu, X Tan, DV Dimarogonas
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2024
Robust approximate symbolic models for a class of continuous-time uncertain nonlinear systems via a control interface
P Yu, DV Dimarogonas
Automatica 145, 110520, 2022
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