Richard Nielsen
Richard Nielsen
Associate Professor, MIT
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Why propensity scores should not be used for matching
G King, R Nielsen
Political analysis 27 (4), 435-454, 2019
Computer assisted text analysis for comparative politics
C Lucas, R Nielsen, M Roberts, B Stewart, A Storer, D Tingley
Foreign aid shocks as a cause of violent armed conflict
RA Nielsen, MG Findley, ZS Davis, T Candland, DL Nielson
American Journal of Political Science, 2011
Comparative effectiveness of matching methods for causal inference
G King, R Nielsen, C Coberley, JE Pope, A Wells
Unpublished manuscript, Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Harvard …, 2011
Rewarding human rights? Selective aid sanctions against repressive states
RA Nielsen
International Studies Quarterly 57 (4), 791-803, 2013
The Balance-Sample Size Frontier in Matching Methods for Causal Inference
G King, C Lucas, R Nielsen
Case selection via matching
RA Nielsen
Sociological Methods & Research 45 (3), 569-597, 2016
Adjusting for confounding with text matching
ME Roberts, BM Stewart, RA Nielsen
American Journal of Political Science 64 (4), 887-903, 2020
Deadly clerics: Blocked ambition and the paths to jihad
RA Nielsen
Cambridge University Press, 2017
Rewards for Ratification: Payoffs for Participating in the International Human Rights Regime?
RA Nielsen, BA Simmons
International Studies Quarterly 59 (2), 197-208, 2015
COVID-19 and fieldwork: Challenges and solutions
P Krause, O Szekely, M Bloom, F Christia, SZ Daly, C Lawson, Z Marks, ...
PS: Political Science & Politics 54 (2), 264-269, 2021
Triage for Democracy: Selection Effects in Governance Aid
R Nielsen, D Nielson
Annual Meeting of the Political Science Association, Washington, DC, 2010
Matching with Time-Series Cross-Sectional Data
R Nielsen, J Sheffield
Conference on Political Methodology, 2009
Women's authority in patriarchal social movements: the case of female Salafi preachers
RA Nielsen
American Journal of Political Science 64 (1), 52-66, 2020
Avoiding randomization failure in program evaluation, with application to the Medicare Health Support program
G King, R Nielsen, C Coberley, JE Pope, A Wells
Population Health Management 14 (S1), 11-22, 2011
Transparency Squared: The Effects of Aid Transparency on Recipients’ Corruption Levels
Z Christensen, R Nielsen, D Nielson, M Tierney
International Political Economy Society Conference, Cambridge, MA, 2010
If you build it, will they come? Foreign aid's effects on foreign direct investment
S Kapfer, R Nielsen, D Nielson
MPSA National Conference 14, 2007
Ethics for Experimental Manipulation of Religion
RA Nielsen
Ethics and Experiments: Problems and Solutions for Social Scientists and …, 2015
Does aid follow need? Humanitarian motives in aid allocation
R Nielsen, D Leblang, S Bermeo, J Vreeland, B Simmons, J Frieden
AidData Conference, Oxford, UK (March), 2010
To empower or impoverish? The sector-by-sector effectiveness of foreign aid
M Findley, D Hawkins, R Nielsen, D Nielson, S Wilson
Aid Data Oxford Conference, 2010
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