Jay Shambaugh
Jay Shambaugh
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The trilemma in history: tradeoffs among exchange rates, monetary policies, and capital mobility
M Obstfeld, JC Shambaugh, AM Taylor
Review of economics and statistics 87 (3), 423-438, 2005
The effect of fixed exchange rates on monetary policy
JC Shambaugh
the Quarterly Journal of economics 119 (1), 301-352, 2004
Financial stability, the trilemma, and international reserves
M Obstfeld, JC Shambaugh, AM Taylor
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 2 (2), 57-94, 2010
The euro's three crises [with comments and discussion]
JC Shambaugh, R Reis, H Rey
Brookings papers on economic activity, 157-231, 2012
Financial instability, reserves, and central bank swap lines in the panic of 2008
M Obstfeld, JC Shambaugh, AM Taylor
American economic review 99 (2), 480-486, 2009
Financial exchange rates and international currency exposures
PR Lane, JC Shambaugh
American Economic Review 100 (1), 518-540, 2010
Rounding the corners of the policy trilemma: sources of monetary policy autonomy
MW Klein, JC Shambaugh
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 7 (4), 33-66, 2015
Fixed exchange rates and trade
MW Klein, JC Shambaugh
Journal of international Economics 70 (2), 359-383, 2006
International currency exposures, valuation effects and the global financial crisis
AS Bénétrix, PR Lane, JC Shambaugh
Journal of International Economics 96, S98-S109, 2015
The impact of foreign interest rates on the economy: The role of the exchange rate regime
J Di Giovanni, JC Shambaugh
Journal of International economics 74 (2), 341-361, 2008
Exchange rate regimes in the modern era
MW Klein, JC Shambaugh
MIT press, 2012
Examining the Black-white wealth gap
K McIntosh, E Moss, R Nunn, J Shambaugh
Brookings Institution 27, 2020
Monetary sovereignty, exchange rates, and capital controls: The trilemma in the interwar period
M Obstfeld, JC Shambaugh, AM Taylor
IMf staff papers 51 (Suppl 1), 75-108, 2004
The dynamics of exchange rate regimes: Fixes, floats, and flips
MW Klein, JC Shambaugh
Journal of international Economics 75 (1), 70-92, 2008
A new look at pass-through
J Shambaugh
Journal of International Money and Finance 27 (4), 560-591, 2008
Reducing chronic absenteeism under the every student succeeds act
L Bauer, P Liu, DW Schanzenbach, J Shambaugh
Brookings Institution, 1-31, 2018
The long or short of it: Determinants of foreign currency exposure in external balance sheets
PR Lane, JC Shambaugh
Journal of International Economics 80 (1), 33-44, 2010
Reprint: Trade shocks and the shifting landscape of US manufacturing
K Eriksson, KN Russ, JC Shambaugh, M Xu
Journal of International Money and Finance 114, 102407, 2021
The evolution of current account deficits in the euro area periphery and the Baltics: many paths to the same endpoint
MJ Kang, MJC Shambaugh
International Monetary Fund, 2013
Thirteen facts about wage growth
J Shambaugh, R Nunn, P Liu, G Nantz
The Hamilton Project 1, 2017
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