Andrea Gasparri
Andrea Gasparri
Professor of Systems and Control Engineering, Roma Tre University
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Distributed control of multirobot systems with global connectivity maintenance
L Sabattini, C Secchi, N Chopra, A Gasparri
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 29 (5), 1326-1332, 2013
Multirobot tree and graph exploration
P Brass, F Cabrera-Mora, A Gasparri, J Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 27 (4), 707-717, 2011
Decentralized estimation of Laplacian eigenvalues in multi-agent systems
M Franceschelli, A Gasparri, A Giua, C Seatzu
Automatica 49 (4), 1031-1036, 2013
Bounded control law for global connectivity maintenance in cooperative multirobot systems
A Gasparri, L Sabattini, G Ulivi
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 33 (3), 700-717, 2017
A yolo-based pest detection system for precision agriculture
M Lippi, N Bonucci, RF Carpio, M Contarini, S Speranza, A Gasparri
2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 342-347, 2021
Decentralized laplacian eigenvalues estimation for networked multi-agent systems
M Franceschelli, A Gasparri, A Giua, C Seatzu
Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held …, 2009
Clock synchronization protocol for wireless sensor networks with bounded communication delays
E Garone, A Gasparri, F Lamonaca
Automatica 59, 60-72, 2015
Decentralized matroid optimization for topology constraints in multi-robot allocation problems
RK Williams, A Gasparri, G Ulivi
2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 293-300, 2017
Clock synchronization in wireless sensor network with selective convergence rate for event driven measurement applications
F Lamonaca, A Gasparri, E Garone, D Grimaldi
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 63 (9), 2279-2287, 2014
A distributed algorithm for average consensus on strongly connected weighted digraphs
A Priolo, A Gasparri, E Montijano, C Sagues
Automatica 50 (3), 946-951, 2014
Decentralized progressive shape formation with robot swarms
G Li, D St-Onge, C Pinciroli, A Gasparri, E Garone, G Beltrame
Autonomous Robots 43, 1505-1521, 2019
An interlaced extended information filter for self-localization in sensor networks
A Gasparri, F Pascucci
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 9 (10), 1491-1504, 2010
Swarm-based path-following for cooperative unmanned surface vehicles
M Bibuli, G Bruzzone, M Caccia, A Gasparri, A Priolo, E Zereik
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of …, 2014
A navigation architecture for ackermann vehicles in precision farming
RF Carpio, C Potena, J Maiolini, G Ulivi, NB Rosselló, E Garone, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (2), 1103-1110, 2020
A decentralized algorithm for balancing a strongly connected weighted digraph
A Priolo, A Gasparri, E Montijano, C Sagues
2013 American Control Conference, 6547-6552, 2013
On agreement problems with gossip algorithms in absence of common reference frames
M Franceschelli, A Gasparri
2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 4481-4486, 2010
A hybrid active global localisation algorithm for mobile robots
A Gasparri, S Panzieri, F Pascucci, G Ulivi
Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2007
A framework for multi-robot node coverage in sensor networks
A Gasparri, B Krishnamachari, GS Sukhatme
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 52, 281-305, 2008
Global connectivity control for spatially interacting multi-robot systems with unicycle kinematics
RK Williams, A Gasparri, GS Sukhatme, G Ulivi
2015 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 1255-1261, 2015
Multi-agent coordination of thermostatically controlled loads by smart power sockets for electric demand side management
M Franceschelli, A Pilloni, A Gasparri
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 29 (2), 731-743, 2020
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Articles 1–20