Susanna Thon
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Hybrid passivated colloidal quantum dot solids
AH Ip, SM Thon, S Hoogland, O Voznyy, D Zhitomirsky, R Debnath, ...
Nature nanotechnology 7 (9), 577-582, 2012
Colloidal quantum dot solar cells
GH Carey, AL Abdelhady, Z Ning, SM Thon, OM Bakr, EH Sargent
Chemical reviews 115 (23), 12732-12763, 2015
Engineering colloidal quantum dot solids within and beyond the mobility-invariant regime
D Zhitomirsky, O Voznyy, L Levina, S Hoogland, KW Kemp, AH Ip, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3803, 2014
Efficient spray-coated colloidal quantum dot solar cells
IJ Kramer, JC Minor, G Moreno-Bautista, LR Rollny, P Kanjanaboos, ...
Wiley, 2014
Dynamic modulation of photonic crystal nanocavities using gigahertz acoustic phonons
DA Fuhrmann, SM Thon, H Kim, D Bouwmeester, PM Petroff, A Wixforth, ...
Nature Photonics 5 (10), 605-609, 2011
Colloidal quantum dot solar cells exploiting hierarchical structuring
AJ Labelle, SM Thon, S Masala, MM Adachi, H Dong, M Farahani, AH Ip, ...
Nano letters 15 (2), 1101-1108, 2015
High conductivity and electron‐transfer validation in an n‐type fluoride‐anion‐doped polymer for thermoelectrics in air
X Zhao, D Madan, Y Cheng, J Zhou, H Li, SM Thon, AE Bragg, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (34), 1606928, 2017
Strong coupling through optical positioning of a quantum dot in a photonic crystal cavity
SM Thon, MT Rakher, H Kim, J Gudat, W Irvine, PM Petroff, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (11), 2009
Dynamic trap formation and elimination in colloidal quantum dots
O Voznyy, SM Thon, AH Ip, EH Sargent
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4 (6), 987-992, 2013
Interface recombination in depleted heterojunction photovoltaics based on colloidal quantum dots
KW Kemp, AJ Labelle, SM Thon, AH Ip, IJ Kramer, S Hoogland, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 3 (7), 917-922, 2013
Ordered nanopillar structured electrodes for depleted bulk heterojunction colloidal quantum dot solar cells
IJ Kramer, D Zhitomirsky, JD Bass, PM Rice, T Topuria, L Krupp, SM Thon, ...
Advanced Materials 24 (17), 2315-2319, 2012
The donor–supply electrode enhances performance in colloidal quantum dot solar cells
P Maraghechi, AJ Labelle, AR Kirmani, X Lan, MM Adachi, SM Thon, ...
ACS nano 7 (7), 6111-6116, 2013
Directly deposited quantum dot solids using a colloidally stable nanoparticle ink
A Fischer, L Rollny, J Pan, GH Carey, SM Thon, S Hoogland, O Voznyy, ...
advanced materials 25 (40), 5742-5749, 2013
Self‐Assembled, nanowire network electrodes for depleted bulk heterojunction solar cells
X Lan, J Bai, S Masala, SM Thon, Y Ren, IJ Kramer, S Hoogland, A Simchi, ...
Advanced Materials 25 (12), 1769-1773, 2013
Plasmonic nanoparticle enhancement of solution-processed solar cells: practical limits and opportunities
ES Arinze, B Qiu, G Nyirjesy, SM Thon
Acs Photonics 3 (2), 158-173, 2016
Jointly tuned plasmonic–excitonic photovoltaics using nanoshells
D Paz-Soldan, A Lee, SM Thon, MM Adachi, H Dong, P Maraghechi, ...
Nano letters 13 (4), 1502-1508, 2013
Deterministic nanoassembly of a coupled quantum emitter–photonic crystal cavity system
T Van der Sar, J Hagemeier, W Pfaff, EC Heeres, SM Thon, H Kim, ...
Applied Physics Letters 98 (19), 2011
Optomechanical trampoline resonators
D Kleckner, B Pepper, E Jeffrey, P Sonin, SM Thon, D Bouwmeester
Optics express 19 (20), 19708-19716, 2011
Origins of stokes shift in PbS nanocrystals
O Voznyy, L Levina, F Fan, G Walters, JZ Fan, A Kiani, AH Ip, SM Thon, ...
Nano letters 17 (12), 7191-7195, 2017
Broadband solar absorption enhancement via periodic nanostructuring of electrodes
MM Adachi, AJ Labelle, SM Thon, X Lan, S Hoogland, EH Sargent
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2928, 2013
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