Taylor Young, MD, MA
Taylor Young, MD, MA
University of Massachusetts Medical School
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The genotype-tissue expression (GTEx) project
J Lonsdale, J Thomas, M Salvatore, R Phillips, E Lo, S Shad, R Hasz, ...
Nature genetics 45 (6), 580-585, 2013
The Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) pilot analysis: Multitissue gene regulation in humans
GTEx Consortium
Science 348 (6235), 648-660, 2015
The human transcriptome across tissues and individuals
M Melé, PG Ferreira, F Reverter, DS DeLuca, J Monlong, M Sammeth, ...
Science 348 (6235), 660-665, 2015
A novel approach to high-quality postmortem tissue procurement: the GTEx project
LJ Carithers, K Ardlie, M Barcus, PA Branton, A Britton, SA Buia, ...
Biopreservation and biobanking 13 (5), 311-319, 2015
Genome-wide association study of coronary heart disease and its risk factors in 8,090 African Americans: the NHLBI CARe Project
G Lettre, CD Palmer, T Young, KG Ejebe, H Allayee, EJ Benjamin, ...
PLoS genetics 7 (2), e1001300, 2011
A meta-analysis identifies new loci associated with body mass index in individuals of African ancestry
KL Monda, GK Chen, KC Taylor, C Palmer, TL Edwards, LA Lange, ...
Nature genetics 45 (6), 690-696, 2013
Large-scale gene-centric meta-analysis across 39 studies identifies type 2 diabetes loci
R Saxena, CC Elbers, Y Guo, I Peter, TR Gaunt, JL Mega, MB Lanktree, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 90 (3), 410-425, 2012
Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe)
K Musunuru, G Lettre, T Young, DN Farlow, JP Pirruccello, KG Ejebe, ...
Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics 3 (3), 267-275, 2010
Gene-centric meta-analyses of 108 912 individuals confirm known body mass index loci and reveal three novel signals
Y Guo, MB Lanktree, KC Taylor, H Hakonarson, LA Lange, BJ Keating, ...
Human molecular genetics 22 (1), 184-201, 2012
Genetics of coronary artery calcification among African Americans, a meta-analysis
MK Wojczynski, M Li, LF Bielak, KF Kerr, AP Reiner, ND Wong, LR Yanek, ...
BMC medical genetics 14 (1), 75, 2013
Large-Scale Candidate Gene Analysis in Whites and African Americans Identifies IL6R Polymorphism in Relation to Atrial FibrillationClinical Perspective: The National Heart …
RB Schnabel, KF Kerr, SA Lubitz, EL Alkylbekova, GM Marcus, MF Sinner, ...
Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics 4 (5), 557-564, 2011
Leveraging population admixture to characterize the heritability of complex traits
N Zaitlen, B Pasaniuc, S Sankararaman, G Bhatia, J Zhang, A Gusev, ...
Nature genetics 46 (12), 1356-1362, 2014
APOM and high-density lipoprotein are associated with lung function and percent emphysema
KM Burkart, A Manichaikul, JB Wilk, FS Ahmed, GL Burke, P Enright, ...
European Respiratory Journal, erj01476-2012, 2013
The Impact of Ancestry and Common Genetic Variants on QT Interval in African Americans
JG Smith, CL Avery, DS Evans, MA Nalls, YA Meng, EN Smith, C Palmer, ...
Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics, CIRCGENETICS. 112.962787, 2012
Large multiethnic Candidate Gene Study for C-reactive protein levels: identification of a novel association at CD36 in African Americans
J Ellis, EM Lange, J Li, J Dupuis, J Baumert, JD Walston, BJ Keating, ...
Human genetics 133 (8), 985-995, 2014
Gene‐centric approach identifies new and known loci for FVIII activity and VWF antigen levels in European Americans and African Americans
W Tang, M Cushman, D Green, SS Rich, LA Lange, Q Yang, RP Tracy, ...
American journal of hematology 90 (6), 534-540, 2015
Replication and fine mapping of asthma-associated loci in individuals of African ancestry
DB Kantor, CD Palmer, TR Young, Y Meng, ZK Gajdos, H Lyon, AL Price, ...
Human genetics 132 (9), 1039-1047, 2013
A genetic association study of D-dimer levels with 50K SNPs from a candidate gene chip in four ethnic groups
LC Weng, W Tang, SS Rich, NL Smith, S Redline, CJ O'Donnell, S Basu, ...
Thrombosis research 134 (2), 462-467, 2014
Genetic variability of smoking persistence in African Americans
A Hamidovic, JL Kasberger, TR Young, RJ Goodloe, S Redline, ...
Cancer Prevention Research 4 (5), 729-734, 2011
Gene-centric analysis of serum cotinine levels in African and European American populations
A Hamidovic, RJ Goodloe, AW Bergen, NL Benowitz, MA Styn, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 37 (4), 968-974, 2012
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