Santiago Mingo
Cited by
Cited by
Collaborative Brokerage, Generative Creativity, and Creative Success
L Fleming, S Mingo, D Chen
Administrative Science Quarterly 52 (3), 443-475, 2007
Navigating Political Hazard Risks and Legal System Quality: Venture Capital Investments in Latin America
T Khoury, M Junkunc, S Mingo
Journal of Management 41 (3), 808-840, 2015
The Interplay Between Home and Host Country Institutions in an Emerging Market Context: Private Equity in Latin America
S Mingo, M Junkunc, F Morales
Journal of World Business 53 (5), 653-667, 2018
Strategic Management in Latin America: Challenges in a Changing World
C Bianchi, S Mingo, V Fernandez
Journal of Business Research 105, 306-309, 2019
The Interplay of National Distances and Regional Networks: Private Equity Investments in Emerging Markets
S Mingo, F Morales, L Dau
Journal of International Business Studies 49 (3), 371-386, 2018
Institutions and Venture Capital Market Creation: The Case of an Emerging Market
C Bustamante, S Mingo, S Matusik
Journal of Business Research 127, 1-12, 2021
The Effects of Trade Integration on Formal and Informal Entrepreneurship: The Moderating Role of Economic Development
EM Moore, LA Dau, S Mingo
Journal of International Business Studies 52 (4), 746-772, 2021
Crises Conducting Stakeholder Salience: Shifts in the Evolution of Private Universities' Governance in Latin America
MA Gonzalez-Perez, M Cordova, M Hermans, KM Nava-Aguirre, ...
Corporate Governance 21 (6), 1194-1214, 2021
Entrepreneurial Ventures, Institutional Voids, and Business Group Affiliation: The Case of Two Brazilian Start-ups, 2002-2009
S Mingo
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración 26 (1), 61-76, 2013
The Impact of Acquisitions on the Performance of Existing Organizational Units in the Acquiring Firm: The Case of an Agribusiness Company
S Mingo
Management Science 59 (12), 2687-2701, 2013
COVID-19 and Higher Education: Responding to Local Demands and the Consolidation of e-Internationalization in Latin American Universities
M Cordova, DE Floriani, MA Gonzalez-Perez, M Hermans, S Mingo, ...
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración 34 (4), 493-509, 2021
Industrial Policy and the Creation of New Industries: Evidence from Brazil’s Bioethanol Industry
S Mingo, T Khanna
Industrial and Corporate Change 23 (5), 1229-1260, 2014
Reexamining CEO Duality: The Surprisingly Problematic Issues of Conceptualization and Measurement
S Gove, M Junkunc, O Bruyaka, LR Kabbach de Castro, ...
Corporate Governance: An International Review 25 (6), 411-427, 2017
Creativity in New Product Development: An Evolutionary Integration
L Fleming, S Mingo
Handbook of New Product Development Management, 113-133, 2008
Bunge: Food, Fuel, and World Markets
T Khanna, S Mingo, J West
Harvard Business Publishing, 2007
Essays on Industrial Policy, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship
S Mingo
Harvard University, 2009
Publicly-Listed Family-Controlled Firms and Corporate Venture Capital: A Socioemotional Wealth Approach
P Duran, S Mingo
Available at SSRN 4041047, 2022
Private Equity Investments in Emerging Markets, National Governance, and Geographic Distance: The Case of Latin America, 1996-2009
S Mingo, F Morales, M Junkunc
Internationalization, Innovation and Sustainability of MNCs in Latin America …, 2013
La confianza en la empresa
N Majluf, N Abarca, S Mingo
Santiago de Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Departamento de …, 2003
Building Strategic Capabilities in Chilean Companies: Developing a Global Competitive Advantage
S Mingo, F Sinn
Building Strategic Capabilities in Emerging Markets, 258-285, 2020
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Articles 1–20