Joel Wolf
Joel Wolf
Principal Research Staff Member, IBM T.J. Watson Research, retired
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Fast algorithms for projected clustering
CC Aggarwal, JL Wolf, PS Yu, C Procopiuc, JS Park
ACM SIGMoD record 28 (2), 61-72, 1999
Horting hatches an egg: A new graph-theoretic approach to collaborative filtering
CC Aggarwal, JL Wolf, KL Wu, PS Yu
Proceedings of the fifth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 1999
Caching on the world wide web
C Aggarwal, JL Wolf, PS Yu
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and data Engineering 11 (1), 94-107, 1999
On optimal batching policies for video-on-demand storage servers
CC Aggarwal, JL Wolf, PS Yu
Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Multimedia …, 1996
A permutation-based pyramid broadcasting scheme for video-on-demand systems
CC Aggarwal, JL Wolf, PS Yu
Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Multimedia …, 1996
Segment-based proxy caching of multimedia streams
KL Wu, PS Yu, JL Wolf
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on World Wide Web, 36-44, 2001
Look-ahead scheduling to support video-on-demand applications
JL Wolf, SY Philip
US Patent 5,461,415, 1995
Approximate algorithms scheduling parallelizable tasks
J Turek, JL Wolf, PS Yu
Proceedings of the fourth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and …, 1992
Permutation based pyramid block transmission scheme for broadcasting in video-on-demand storage systems
CC Aggarwal, JL Wolf, PS Yu
US Patent 5,751,336, 1998
Method for targeted advertising on the web based on accumulated self-learning data, clustering users and semantic node graph techniques
CC Aggarwal, JL Wolf, PS Yu
US Patent 6,714,975, 2004
On maximizing service-level-agreement profits
Z Liu, MS Squillante, JL Wolf
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM conference on Electronic Commerce, 213-223, 2001
Optimal partitioning of cache memory
HS Stone, J Turek, JL Wolf
IEEE Transactions on computers 41 (09), 1054-1068, 1992
System and method for construction of a data structure for indexing multidimensional objects
CC Aggarwal, JL Wolf, PS Yu
US Patent 5,781,906, 1998
Method and apparatus for caching a media stream
JL Wolf, PS Yu
US Patent 6,463,508, 2002
Computer system and method for load balancing with selective control
DM Dias, JL Wolf, PS Yu
US Patent 6,119,143, 2000
SODA: An optimizing scheduler for large-scale stream-based distributed computer systems
J Wolf, N Bansal, K Hildrum, S Parekh, D Rajan, R Wagle, KL Wu, ...
Middleware 2008: ACM/IFIP/USENIX 9th International Middleware Conference …, 2008
Utility computing SLA management based upon business objectives
MJ Buco, RN Chang, LZ Luan, C Ward, JL Wolf, PS Yu
IBM Systems Journal 43 (1), 159-178, 2004
Optimal crawling strategies for web search engines
JL Wolf, MS Squillante, PS Yu, J Sethuraman, L Ozsen
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on World Wide Web, 136-147, 2002
Flex: A slot allocation scheduling optimizer for mapreduce workloads
J Wolf, D Rajan, K Hildrum, R Khandekar, V Kumar, S Parekh, KL Wu, ...
Middleware 2010: ACM/IFIP/USENIX 11th International Middleware Conference …, 2010
On optimal piggyback merging policies for video-on-demand systems
C Aggarwal, J Wolf, PS Yu
Proceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGMETRICS international conference on …, 1996
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