Thomas Blaschke
Thomas Blaschke
University of Salzburg Department of Geoinformatics
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Object based image analysis for remote sensing
T Blaschke
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 65 (1), 2-16, 2010
Geographic object-based image analysis–towards a new paradigm
T Blaschke, GJ Hay, M Kelly, S Lang, P Hofmann, E Addink, RQ Feitosa, ...
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 87, 180-191, 2014
What’s wrong with pixels? Some recent developments interfacing remote sensing and GIS
T Blaschke, J Strobl
Zeitschrift für Geoinformationssysteme, 12-17, 2001
Land cover change assessment using decision trees, support vector machines and maximum likelihood classification algorithms
JR Otukei, T Blaschke
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 …, 2010
A multi-scale segmentation/object relationship modelling methodology for landscape analysis
C Burnett, T Blaschke
Ecological modelling 168 (3), 233-249, 2003
Evaluation of different machine learning methods and deep-learning convolutional neural networks for landslide detection
O Ghorbanzadeh, T Blaschke, K Gholamnia, SR Meena, D Tiede, J Aryal
Remote Sensing 11 (2), 196, 2019
Object-oriented image processing in an integrated GIS/remote sensing environment and perspectives for environmental applications
T Blaschke, S Lang, E Lorup, J Strobl, P Zeil
Environmental information for planning, politics and the public 2 (1995 …, 2000
Automated classification of landform elements using object-based image analysis
L Drăguţ, T Blaschke
Geomorphology 81 (3-4), 330-344, 2006
Object-based image analysis: spatial concepts for knowledge-driven remote sensing applications. Lecture notes in geoinformation and cartography
T Blaschke, S Lang, G Hay
Springer, Heidelberg, 2008
A comparison of three image-object methods for the multiscale analysis of landscape structure
GJ Hay, T Blaschke, DJ Marceau, A Bouchard
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote sensing 57 (5-6), 327-345, 2003
Análise da Paisagem com SIG [Brazil version]
S Lang, T Blaschke
Oficina de Textos, 2009
Land suitability analysis for Tabriz County, Iran: a multi-criteria evaluation approach using GIS
B Feizizadeh, T Blaschke
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 56 (1), 1-23, 2013
A GIS-based extended fuzzy multi-criteria evaluation for landslide susceptibility mapping
B Feizizadeh, MS Roodposhti, P Jankowski, T Blaschke
Computers & geosciences 73, 208-221, 2014
GIS-multicriteria decision analysis for landslide susceptibility mapping: comparing three methods for the Urmia lake basin, Iran
B Feizizadeh, T Blaschke
Natural hazards 65, 2105-2128, 2013
Understanding and quantifying landscape structure–A review on relevant process characteristics, data models and landscape metrics
A Lausch, T Blaschke, D Haase, F Herzog, RU Syrbe, L Tischendorf, ...
Ecological Modelling 295, 31-41, 2015
A GIS based spatially-explicit sensitivity and uncertainty analysis approach for multi-criteria decision analysis
B Feizizadeh, P Jankowski, T Blaschke
Computers & geosciences 64, 81-95, 2014
Object-oriented image analysis and scale-space: theory and methods for modeling and evaluating multiscale landscape structure
T Blaschke, GJ Hay
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 34 (4), 22-29, 2001
Flood susceptibility mapping with machine learning, multi-criteria decision analysis and ensemble using Dempster Shafer Theory
TG Nachappa, ST Piralilou, K Gholamnia, O Ghorbanzadeh, O Rahmati, ...
Journal of hydrology 590, 125275, 2020
Image segmentation methods for object-based analysis and classification
T Blaschke, C Burnett, A Pekkarinen
Remote sensing image analysis: Including the spatial domain, 211-236, 2004
The role of the spatial dimension within the framework of sustainable landscapes and natural capital
T Blaschke
Landscape and urban planning 75 (3-4), 198-226, 2006
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