Tom  Steele
Tom Steele
Professor of Physics, University of Saskatchewan
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Towards exotic hidden-charm pentaquarks in QCD
HX Chen, W Chen, X Liu, TG Steele, SL Zhu
Physical Review Letters 115 (17), 172001, 2015
Hunting for exotic doubly hidden-charm/bottom tetraquark states
W Chen, HX Chen, X Liu, TG Steele, SL Zhu
Physics Letters B 773, 247-251, 2017
Semiclassical gravity in 1+ 1 dimensions
RB Mann, SM Morsink, AE Sikkema, TG Steele
Physical Review D 43 (12), 3948, 1991
QCD sum-rule consistency of lowest-lying qq scalar resonances
V Elias, AH Fariborz, F Shi, TG Steele
Nuclear Physics A 633 (2), 279-311, 1998
Heavy-light diquark masses from QCD sum rules and constituent diquark models of tetraquarks
RT Kleiv, TG Steele, A Zhang, I Blokland
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (12), 125018, 2013
and higher-dimensional-condensate contributions to the nonperturbative quark mass
V Elias, TG Steele, MD Scadron
Physical Review D 38 (5), 1584, 1988
QCD sum-rule interpretation of X (3872) with JPC<? format?>=<? format?> 1++ mixtures of hybrid charmonium<? format?> and D¯ D* molecular currents
W Chen, H Jin, RT Kleiv, TG Steele, M Wang, Q Xu
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 88 (4), 045027, 2013
The Nielsen identities for the two-point functions of QED and QCD
JC Breckenridge, MJ Lavelle, TG Steele
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 65, 155-164, 1995
Asymptotically safe standard model via vectorlike fermions
RB Mann, JR Meffe, F Sannino, TG Steele, ZW Wang, C Zhang
Physical Review Letters 119 (26), 261802, 2017
Decoding the as a Fully Open-Flavor Tetraquark State
W Chen, HX Chen, X Liu, TG Steele, SL Zhu
Physical Review Letters 117 (2), 022002, 2016
QCD sum rule study of hidden-charm pentaquarks
HX Chen, EL Cui, W Chen, X Liu, TG Steele, SL Zhu
The European Physical Journal C 76, 1-19, 2016
Mass of the scalar glueball. Higher-loop effects in the QCD sum rules
E Bagan, TG Steele
Physics Letters B 243 (4), 413-420, 1990
Exotic open-flavor , and , tetraquark states
W Chen, TG Steele, SL Zhu
Physical Review D 89 (5), 054037, 2014
Mass spectra of and exotic states as hadron molecules
W Chen, TG Steele, HX Chen, SL Zhu
Physical Review D 92 (5), 054002, 2015
Diquark and light four-quark states
A Zhang, T Huang, TG Steele
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 76 (3), 036004, 2007
Thermodynamics and quantum aspects of black holes in (1+ 1) dimensions
RB Mann, TG Steele
Classical and Quantum Gravity 9 (2), 475, 1992
Viable dark matter via radiative symmetry breaking in a scalar singlet Higgs portal extension of the standard model
TG Steele, ZW Wang, D Contreras, RB Mann
Physical Review Letters 112 (17), 171602, 2014
Pade improvement of QCD running coupling constants, running masses, Higgs decay rates, and scalar channel sum rules
V Elias, TG Steele, F Chishtie, R Migneron, K Sprague
Physical Review D 58 (11), 116007, 1998
QCD sum rule study of the
HX Chen, EL Cui, W Chen, TG Steele, SL Zhu
Physical Review C 91 (2), 025204, 2015
Radiative electroweak symmetry breaking revisited
V Elias, RB Mann, DGC McKeon, TG Steele
Physical review letters 91 (25), 251601, 2003
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Articles 1–20