Robert J. Warren
Robert J. Warren
Meigs Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management, University of Georgia
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Infectious prions in the saliva and blood of deer with chronic wasting disease
CK Mathiason, JG Powers, SJ Dahmes, DA Osborn, KV Miller, RJ Warren, ...
science 314 (5796), 133-136, 2006
Climate fails to predict wood decomposition at regional scales
MA Bradford, RJ Warren II, P Baldrian, TW Crowther, DS Maynard, ...
Nature Climate Change 4 (7), 625-630, 2014
Are overabundant deer herds in the eastern United States creating alternate stable states in forest plant communities?
KAK Stromayer, RJ Warren
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 227-234, 1997
Infectious prions in pre-clinical deer and transmission of chronic wasting disease solely by environmental exposure
CK Mathiason, SA Hays, J Powers, J Hayes-Klug, J Langenberg, ...
PloS one 4 (6), e5916, 2009
Ecosystem processes and human influences regulate streamflow response to climate change at long-term ecological research sites
JA Jones, IF Creed, KL Hatcher, RJ Warren, MB Adams, MH Benson, ...
BioScience 62 (4), 390-404, 2012
Challenges and future directions in urban afforestation
EE Oldfield, RJ Warren, AJ Felson, MA Bradford
Journal of Applied Ecology 50 (5), 1169-1177, 2013
Elevated methane concentrations in trees of an upland forest
KR Covey, SA Wood, RJ Warren, X Lee, MA Bradford
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (15), 2012
A test of the scent-station survey technique for bobcats
DR Diefenbach, MJ Conroy, RJ Warren, WE James, LA Baker, T Hon
The Journal of wildlife management, 10-17, 1994
Editor's page: The challenge of deer overabundance in the 21st century
RJ Warren
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 213-214, 1997
Upward ant distribution shift corresponds with minimum, not maximum, temperature tolerance
RJ Warren, L Chick
Global change biology 19 (7), 2082-2088, 2013
Comparisons of lethal and nonlethal techniques to reduce raccoon depredation of sea turtle nests
MJ Ratnaswamy, RJ Warren, MT Kramer, MD Adam
The Journal of wildlife management, 368-376, 1997
The birds of Ireland: an account of the distribution, migrations and habits of birds as observed in Ireland, with all additions to the Irish list
RJ Ussher, R Warren
Gurney and Jackson (successors to Mr. Van Voorst), 1900
Mechanisms driving understory evergreen herb distributions across slope aspects: as derived from landscape position
RJ Warren
Plant Ecology 198, 297-308, 2008
Evaluation of wildlife warning reflectors for altering white‐tailed deer behavior along roadways
GJ D'ANGELO, JG D'ANGELO, GR Gallagher, DA Osborn, KV Miller, ...
Wildlife Society Bulletin 34 (4), 1175-1183, 2006
Social insects dominate eastern US temperate hardwood forest macroinvertebrate communities in warmer regions
JR King, RJ Warren, MA Bradford
PLoS One 8 (10), e75843, 2013
B cells and platelets harbor prion infectivity in the blood of deer infected with chronic wasting disease
CK Mathiason, J Hayes-Klug, SA Hays, J Powers, DA Osborn, SJ Dahmes, ...
Journal of virology 84 (10), 5097-5107, 2010
The putative niche requirements and landscape dynamics of Microstegium vimineum: an invasive Asian grass
RJ Warren, JP Wright, MA Bradford
Biological Invasions 13, 471-483, 2011
Effects of predation risk and group dynamics on white-tailed deer foraging behavior in a longleaf pine savanna
MJ Cherry, LM Conner, RJ Warren
Behavioral Ecology 26 (4), 1091-1099, 2015
Mucosal immunization with an attenuated Salmonella vaccine partially protects white-tailed deer from chronic wasting disease
F Goñi, CK Mathiason, L Yim, K Wong, J Hayes-Klug, A Nalls, D Peyser, ...
Vaccine 33 (5), 726-733, 2015
Ecological justification for controlling deer populations in eastern national parks
RJ Warren
Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference …, 1991
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