Chris Mellish
Chris Mellish
Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
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Programming in PROLOG
WF Clocksin, CS Mellish
Springer Science & Business Media, 2003
Natural Language Processing in Prolog: an introduction to computational linguistics
G Gazdar, CS Mellish
(No Title), 1989
Advances in instance selection for instance-based learning algorithms
H Brighton, C Mellish
Data mining and knowledge discovery 6, 153-172, 2002
Natural language processing in Lisp: An introduction to computational linguistics
G Gazdar
Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 1990
Some global optimizations for a Prolog compiler
CS Mellish
The Journal of Logic Programming 2 (1), 43-66, 1985
Abstract interpretation of Prolog programs
CS Mellish
Third International Conference on Logic Programming: Imperial College of …, 1986
Cultural resilience: The production of rural community heritage, digital archives and the role of volunteers
DE Beel, CD Wallace, G Webster, H Nguyen, E Tait, M Macleod, C Mellish
Journal of rural studies 54, 459-468, 2017
Choosing the content of textual summaries of large time-series data sets
J Yu, E Reiter, J Hunter, C Mellish
Natural Language Engineering 13 (1), 25-49, 2007
Towards competency question-driven ontology authoring
Y Ren, A Parvizi, C Mellish, JZ Pan, K Van Deemter, R Stevens
The Semantic Web: Trends and Challenges: 11th International Conference, ESWC …, 2014
ILEX: an architecture for a dynamic hypertext generation system
M O'DONNELL, C Mellish, J Oberlander, A Knott
Natural Language Engineering 7 (3), 225-250, 2001
Solving mechanics problems using meta-level inference
A Bundy, L Byrd, G Luger, C Mellish, M Palmer
Proceedings of the 6th international joint conference on Artificial …, 1979
Automatic generation of technical documentation
E Reiter, C Mellish, J Levine
Applied Artificial Intelligence an International Journal 9 (3), 259-287, 1995
Some chart-based techniques for parsing ill-formed input
C Mellish
27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 102-109, 1989
Beyond elaboration: The interaction of relations and focus in coherent text
A Knott, J Oberlander, M O’Donnell, C Mellish
Text representation: linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects, 181-196, 2008
Implementing systemic classification by unification
C Mellish
Computational Linguistics 14 (1), 40-50, 1988
The automatic generation of mode declarations for Prolog programs
CS Mellish
Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh, 1981
Conversation in the museum: experiments in dynamic hypermedia with the intelligent labelling explorer
J Oberlander, M O'donnell, C Mellish, A Knott
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 4 (1), 11-32, 1998
Computer interpretation of natural language descriptions
CS Mellish
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000
Statistical learning of harmonic movement
D Ponsford, G Wiggins, C Mellish
Journal of New Music Research 28 (2), 150-177, 1999
A study of feedback strategies in foreign language classrooms and tutorials with implications for intelligent computer-assisted language learning systems
A Ferreira, JD Moore, C Mellish
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 17 (4), 389-422, 2007
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