Victoria Sork
Victoria Sork
Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA
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Spatial genetic structure of a tropical understory shrub, PSYCHOTRIA OFFICINALIS (RuBIACEAE)
BA Loiselle, VL Sork, J Nason, C Graham
American journal of botany 82 (11), 1420-1425, 1995
Mast seeding in perennial plants: why, how, where?
D Kelly, VL Sork
Annual review of ecology and systematics 33 (1), 427-447, 2002
Ecology of mast‐fruiting in three species of North American deciduous oaks
VL Sork, J Bramble, O Sexton
Ecology 74 (2), 528-541, 1993
Landscape approaches to historical and contemporary gene flow in plants
VL Sork, J Nason, DR Campbell, JF Fernandez
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 14 (6), 219-224, 1999
Genetic analysis of landscape connectivity in tree populations
VL Sork, PE Smouse
Landscape ecology 21, 821-836, 2006
Putting the landscape into the genomics of trees: approaches for understanding local adaptation and population responses to changing climate
VL Sork, SN Aitken, RJ Dyer, AJ Eckert, P Legendre, DB Neale
Tree Genetics & Genomes 9, 901-911, 2013
Using genetic markers to estimate the pollen dispersal curve
F Austerlitz, CW Dick, C Dutech, EK Klein, S Oddou‐Muratorio, ...
Molecular ecology 13 (4), 937-954, 2004
Two‐generation analysis of pollen flow across a landscape. I. Male gamete heterogeneity among females
PE Smouse, RJ Dyer, RD Westfall, VL Sork
Evolution 55 (2), 260-271, 2001
Gene movement and genetic association with regional climate gradients in California valley oak (Quercus lobata Née) in the face of climate change
VL Sork, FW Davis, R Westfall, A Flint, M Ikegami, H Wang, D Grivet
Molecular ecology 19 (17), 3806-3823, 2010
Epigenetics in ecology and evolution: what we know and what we need to know.
KJF Verhoeven, BM Vonholdt, VL Sork
Molecular ecology 25 (8), 2016
Effects of predation and light on seedling establishment in Gustavia superba
VL Sork
Ecology 68 (5), 1341-1350, 1987
Pollen movement in declining populations of California Valley oak, Quercus lobata: where have all the fathers gone?
VL Sork, FW Davis, PE Smouse, VJ Apsit, RJ Dyer, JF Fernandez‐M, ...
Molecular Ecology 11 (9), 1657-1668, 2002
Lianas and Trees in a Liana Forest of Amazonian Bolivia1
DR Pérez‐Salicrup, VL Sork, FE Putz
Biotropica 33 (1), 34-47, 2001
Measuring pollen flow in forest trees: an exposition of alternative approaches
PE Smouse, VL Sork
Forest Ecology and Management 197 (1-3), 21-38, 2004
Genomic landscape of the global oak phylogeny
AL Hipp, PS Manos, M Hahn, M Avishai, C Bodénès, J Cavender‐Bares, ...
New Phytologist 226 (4), 1198-1212, 2020
Evolutionary ecology of mast-seeding in temperate and tropical oaks (Quercus spp.)
VL Sork
Frugivory and seed dispersal: ecological and evolutionary aspects, 133-147, 1993
Creating inclusive classrooms by engaging STEM faculty in culturally responsive teaching workshops
ES O’Leary, C Shapiro, S Toma, HW Sayson, M Levis-Fitzgerald, ...
International Journal of STEM education 7, 1-15, 2020
Evidence for local adaptation in closely adjacent subpopulations of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) expressed as resistance to leaf herbivores
VL Sork, KA Stowe, C Hochwender
The American Naturalist 142 (6), 928-936, 1993
Examination of seed dispersal and survival in red oak, Quercus rubra (Fagaceae), using metal-tagged acorns
VL Sork
Ecology 65 (3), 1020-1022, 1984
Dissecting components of population‐level variation in seed production and the evolution of masting behavior
WD Koenig, D Kelly, VL Sork, RP Duncan, JS Elkinton, MS Peltonen, ...
Oikos 102 (3), 581-591, 2003
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