Saman Bashbaghi
Cited by
Cited by
Dynamic Ensembles of Exemplar-SVMs for Still-to-Video Face Recognition
S Bashbaghi, E Granger, R Sabourin, GA Bilodeau
Pattern Recognition 69, 61-81, 2017
Video-Based Face Recognition Using Ensemble of Haar-Like Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
M Parchami, S Bashbaghi, E Granger
The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2017
Deep Learning Architectures for Face Recognition in Video Surveillance
S Bashbaghi, E Granger, R Sabourin, M Parchami
Deep Learning in Object Detection and Recognition, Editors: Jiang, X., Hadid …, 2018
CNNs with Cross-Correlation Matching for Face Recognition in Video Surveillance Using a Single Training Sample Per Person
M Parchami, S Bashbaghi, E Granger
Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 14th IEEE International …, 2017
Using Deep Autoencoders to Learn Robust Domain-Invariant Representations for Still-to-Video Face Recognition
M Parchami, S Bashbaghi, E Granger, S Sayed
Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 14th IEEE International …, 2017
Watch-List Screening Using Ensembles Based on Multiple Face Representations
S Bashbaghi, E Granger, R Sabourin, GA Bilodeau
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 22nd IEEE …, 2014
Robust watch-list screening using dynamic ensembles of SVMs based on multiple face representations
S Bashbaghi, E Granger, R Sabourin, GA Bilodeau
Machine Vision and Applications 28 (1), 219-241, 2017
Dynamic Selection of Exemplar-SVMs for Watch-List Screening Through Domain Adaptation
S Bashbaghi, E Granger, R Sabourin, GA Bilodeau
6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods …, 2017
Ensembles of exemplar-SVMs for video face recognition from a single sample per person
S Bashbaghi, E Granger, R Sabourin, GA Bilodeau
Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 12th IEEE International …, 2015
Face recognition in video surveillance from a single reference sample through domain adaptation
S Bashbaghi
École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Université du Québec, 2017
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Articles 1–10