Rami Alazrai
Rami Alazrai
Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, German Jordanian University
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EEG-Based Emotion Recognition Using Quadratic Time-Frequency Distribution
R Alazrai, R Homoud, H Alwanni, MI Daoud
sensors 18 (8), 2739, 2018
EEG-based BCI system for decoding finger movements within the same hand
R Alazrai, H Alwanni, MI Daoud
Neuroscience letters 698, 113-120, 2019
A Deep Learning Framework for Decoding Motor Imagery Tasks of the Same Hand Using EEG Signals
R Alazrai, M Abuhijleh, H Alwanni, MI Daoud
IEEE Access 7 (1), 109612-109627, 2019
Automatic superpixel-based segmentation method for breast ultrasound images
MI Daoud, AA Atallah, F Awwad, M Al-Najjar, R Alazrai
Expert Systems with Applications 121, 78-96, 2019
A dataset for Wi-Fi-based human-to-human interaction recognition
R Alazrai, A Awad, A Baha’A, M Hababeh, MI Daoud
Data in brief 31, 105668, 2020
Breast Tumor Classification in Ultrasound Images Using Combined Deep and Handcrafted Features
MI Daoud, S Abdel-Rahman, TM Bdair, MS Al-Najar, FH Al-Hawari, ...
Sensors 20 (23), 6838, 2020
A dataset for Wi-Fi-based human activity recognition in line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight indoor environments
A Baha’A, MM Almazari, R Alazrai, MI Daoud
Data in Brief 33, 106534, 2020
An End-to-End Deep Learning Framework for Recognizing Human-to-Human Interactions using Wi-Fi Signals
R Alazrai, M Hababeh, A Baha’A, MZ Ali, MI Daoud
IEEE Access 8, 197695 - 197710, 2020
Fall detection for elderly from partially observed depth-map video sequences based on view-invariant human activity representation
R Alazrai, M Momani, MI Daoud
Applied Sciences 7 (4), 316, 2017
EEG-Based Tonic Cold Pain Recognition System Using Wavelet Transform
R Alazrai, M Momani, HA Khudair, M Daoud
Neural Computing and Applications 31 (7), 3187–3200, 2017
Anatomical-plane-based representation for human–human interactions analysis
R Alazrai, Y Mowafi, CSG Lee
Pattern Recognition 48 (8), 2346-2363, 2015
EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interface for Decoding Motor Imagery Tasks within the Same Hand Using Choi-Williams Time-Frequency Distribution
R Alazrai, H Alwanni, Y Baslan, N Alnuman, MI Daoud
Sensors 17 (9), 1937, 2017
A Fusion‐Based Approach for Breast Ultrasound Image Classification Using Multiple‐ROI Texture and Morphological Analyses
MI Daoud, TM Bdair, M Al-Najar, R Alazrai
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2016 (1), 6740956, 2016
A CSI-based multi-environment human activity recognition framework
BA Alsaify, MM Almazari, R Alazrai, S Alouneh, MI Daoud
Applied Sciences 12 (2), 930, 2022
A fall prediction methodology for elderly based on a depth camera
R Alazrai, Y Mowafi, E Hamad
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Breast Ultrasound Image Classification using a Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network
MI Daoud, S Abdel-Rahman, R Alazrai
2019 15th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet …, 2019
Tonic Cold Pain Detection Using Choi–Williams Time-Frequency Distribution Analysis of EEG Signals: A Feasibility Study
R Alazrai, S Al-Rawi, H Alwanni, MI Daoud
Applied Scineces 9 (16), 3433, 2019
Fall detection for elderly using anatomical-plane-based representation
R Alazrai, A Zmily, Y Mowafi
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
A comprehensive review of the deep learning-based tumor analysis approaches in histopathological images: segmentation, classification and multi-learning tasks
H Abdel-Nabi, M Ali, A Awajan, M Daoud, R Alazrai, PN Suganthan, T Ali
Cluster Computing 26 (5), 3145-3185, 2023
Content-based image retrieval for breast ultrasound images using convolutional autoencoders: A feasibility study
MI Daoud, A Saleh, I Hababeh, R Alazrai
2019 3rd international conference on bio-engineering for smart technologies …, 2019
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Articles 1–20