Andreas Schwarz
Andreas Schwarz
Spinal Cord Injury Center, University of Heidelberg
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Upper limb movements can be decoded from the time-domain of low-frequency EEG
P Ofner, A Schwarz, J Pereira, GR Müller-Putz
PloS one 12 (8), e0182578, 2017
Attempted arm and hand movements can be decoded from low-frequency EEG from persons with spinal cord injury
P Ofner, A Schwarz, J Pereira, D Wyss, R Wildburger, GR Müller-Putz
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7134, 2019
Decoding natural reach-and-grasp actions from human EEG
A Schwarz, P Ofner, J Pereira, AI Sburlea, GR Müller-Putz
Journal of neural engineering 15 (1), 016005, 2017
EEG neural correlates of goal-directed movement intention
J Pereira, P Ofner, A Schwarz, AI Sburlea, GR Müller-Putz
Neuroimage 149, 129-140, 2017
From classic motor imagery to complex movement intention decoding: the noninvasive Graz-BCI approach
GR Müller-Putz, A Schwarz, J Pereira, P Ofner
Progress in brain research 228, 39-70, 2016
Thought-based row-column scanning communication board for individuals with cerebral palsy
R Scherer, M Billinger, J Wagner, A Schwarz, DT Hettich, E Bolinger, ...
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine 58 (1), 14-22, 2015
Decoding hand movements from human EEG to control a robotic arm in a simulation environment
A Schwarz, MK Höller, J Pereira, P Ofner, GR Müller-Putz
Journal of neural engineering 17 (3), 036010, 2020
Unimanual and bimanual reach-and-grasp actions can be decoded from human EEG
A Schwarz, J Pereira, R Kobler, GR Müller-Putz
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 67 (6), 1684-1695, 2019
Corneo-retinal-dipole and eyelid-related eye artifacts can be corrected offline and online in electroencephalographic and magnetoencephalographic signals
RJ Kobler, AI Sburlea, C Lopes-Dias, A Schwarz, M Hirata, ...
NeuroImage 218, 117000, 2020
Analyzing and decoding natural reach-and-grasp actions using gel, water and dry EEG systems
A Schwarz, C Escolano, L Montesano, GR Müller-Putz
Frontiers in neuroscience 14, 849, 2020
Factors that affect error potentials during a grasping task: toward a hybrid natural movement decoding BCI
J Omedes, A Schwarz, GR Müller-Putz, L Montesano
Journal of neural engineering 15 (4), 046023, 2018
Applying intuitive EEG-controlled grasp neuroprostheses in individuals with spinal cord injury: Preliminary results from the MoreGrasp clinical feasibility study
GR Müller-Putz, P Ofner, J Pereira, A Pinegger, A Schwarz, M Zube, ...
2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2019
A co-adaptive sensory motor rhythms brain-computer interface based on common spatial patterns and random forest
A Schwarz, R Scherer, D Steyrl, J Faller, GR Müller-Putz
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Cybathlon experiences of the Graz BCI racing team Mirage91 in the brain-computer interface discipline
K Statthaler, A Schwarz, D Steyrl, R Kobler, MK Höller, J Brandstetter, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 14, 1-16, 2017
MOREGRASP: Restoration of upper limb function in individuals with high spinal cord injury by multimodal neuroprostheses for interaction in daily activities
GR Müller-Putz, P Ofner, A Schwarz, J Pereira, G Luzhnica, C di Sciascio, ...
Online detection of movement during natural and self-initiated reach-and-grasp actions from EEG signals
J Pereira, R Kobler, P Ofner, A Schwarz, GR Müller-Putz
Journal of Neural Engineering 18 (4), 046095, 2021
Towards non-invasive EEG-based arm/hand-control in users with spinal cord injury
GR Müller-Putz, P Ofner, A Schwarz, J Pereira, A Pinegger, CL Dias, ...
2017 5th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI …, 2017
Perturbation-evoked potentials can be classified from single-trial EEG
JC Ditz, A Schwarz, GR Müller-Putz
Journal of neural engineering 17 (3), 036008, 2020
Game-based BCI training: Interactive design for individuals with cerebral palsy
R Scherer, A Schwarz, GR Müller-Putz, V Pammer-Schindler, ML Garcia
2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 3175-3180, 2015
Direct comparison of supervised and semi-supervised retraining approaches for co-adaptive BCIs
A Schwarz, J Brandstetter, J Pereira, GR Müller-Putz
Medical & biological engineering & computing 57, 2347-2357, 2019
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