Prasanna Rout
Prasanna Rout
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Chiral superconductivity in the alternate stacking compound 4Hb-TaS2
A Ribak, RM Skiff, M Mograbi, PK Rout, MH Fischer, J Ruhman, ...
Science advances 6 (13), eaax9480, 2020
Six-fold crystalline anisotropic magnetoresistance in the (111) oxide interface
PK Rout, I Agireen, E Maniv, M Goldstein, Y Dagan
Physical Review B 95 (24), 241107, 2017
Link between the Superconducting Dome and Spin-Orbit Interaction in the (111) Interface
PK Rout, E Maniv, Y Dagan
Physical Review Letters 119 (23), 237002, 2017
Anomalous nano-magnetic effects in non-collinear spinel chromite NiCr2O4
A Rathi, PD Babu, PK Rout, VPS Awana, VK Tripathi, R Nagarajan, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 474, 585-590, 2019
Magnetoelastic coupling induced magnetic anisotropy in Co2 (Fe/Mn) Si thin films
H Pandey, PK Rout, A Anupam, PC Joshi, Z Hossain, RC Budhani
Applied Physics Letters 104 (2), 2014
Symmetry and Correlation Effects on Band Structure Explain the Anomalous Transport Properties of (111)
U Khanna, PK Rout, M Mograbi, G Tuvia, I Leermakers, U Zeitler, ...
Physical review letters 123 (3), 036805, 2019
Temperature-dependent space-charge-limited conduction in BaTiO 3 heterojunctions
P Singh, PK Rout, H Pandey, A Dogra
Journal of Materials Science 53, 4806, 2018
Thickness dependent charge transport in ferroelectric BaTiO3 heterojunctions
P Singh, PK Rout, M Singh, RK Rakshit, A Dogra
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (11), 2015
Controlling Andreev bound states with the magnetic vector potential
CM Moehle, PK Rout, NA Jainandunsing, D Kuiri, CT Ke, D Xiao, ...
Nano Letters 22 (21), 8601-8607, 2022
Two-dimensional electron-gas-like charge transport at the interface between a magnetic Heusler alloy and SrTiO
PK Rout, H Pandey, L Wu, PC Joshi, Z Hossain, Y Zhu, RC Budhani
Physical Review B 89 (2), 020401, 2014
Signature of surface state coupling in thin films of the topological Kondo insulator from anisotropic magnetoresistance
MS Petrushevsky, PK Rout, G Levi, A Kohn, Y Dagan
Physical Review B 95 (8), 085112, 2017
Charge transport and magnetic ordering in laser ablated Co2FeSi thin films epitaxially grown on (1 0 0) SrTiO3
PC Joshi, PK Rout, Z Hossain, RC Budhani
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (25), 255002, 2010
Signature of a Griffiths phase in layered canted antiferromagnet Sr2IrO4
A Rathi, PK Rout, S Perween, RP Singh, PD Babu, A Gupta, RP Pant, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 468, 230-234, 2018
Interface superconductivity in La 1.48 Nd 0.4 Sr 0.12 CuO 4/La 1.84 Sr 0.16 CuO 4 bilayers
PK Rout, RC Budhani
Physical Review B 82 (2), 024518, 2010
The 2D–3D crossover and anisotropy of upper critical fields in Nb and NbN superconducting thin films
LM Joshi, A Verma, PK Rout, M Kaur, A Gupta, RC Budhani
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 542, 12-17, 2017
Strain induced magnetic domain evolution and spin reorientation transition in epitaxial manganite films
G Singh, PK Rout, R Porwal, RC Budhani
Applied Physics Letters 101 (2), 2012
Effect of pressure on itinerant magnetism and spin disorder in cubic FeGe
JJ Pulikkotil, S Auluck, PK Rout, RC Budhani
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (9), 096003, 2012
Charge transport and magnetic ordering in laser ablated Co2FeSi thin films epitaxially grown on (1 0 0) SrTiO3
PC Anupam, PK Rout, Z Hossain, RC Budhani
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (25), 255002, 2010
Ferroelectric Exchange Bias Affects Interfacial Electronic States
G Tuvia, Y Frenkel, PK Rout, I Silber, B Kalisky, Y Dagan
Advanced Materials 32 (29), 2000216, 2020
Ferroelectric memory resistive behavior in BaTiO3/Nb doped SrTiO3 heterojunctions
P Singh, PK Rout, M Singh, RK Rakshit, A Dogra
Thin Solid Films 643, 60-64, 2017
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Articles 1–20