Monika Köppl-Turyna
Monika Köppl-Turyna
EcoAustria, University of Warsaw, Seeburg Castle University
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Zitiert von
Determinants of public‐sector efficiency: decentralization and fiscal rules
M Christl, M Köppl‐Turyna, D Kucsera
Kyklos 73 (2), 253-290, 2020
The effects of fiscal decentralisation on the strength of political budget cycles in local expenditure
M Köppl Turyna, G Kula, A Balmas, K Waclawska
Local Government Studies 42 (5), 785-820, 2016
Gender wage gap and the role of skills and tasks: evidence from the Austrian PIAAC data set
M Christl, M Köppl–Turyna
Applied Economics 52 (2), 113-134, 2020
Revisiting the employment effects of minimum wages in Europe
M Christl, M Köppl-Turyna, D Kucsera
German Economic Review 19 (4), 426-465, 2018
Do equalization payments affect subnational borrowing? Evidence from regression discontinuity
M Köppl–Turyna, H Pitlik
European Journal of Political Economy 53, 84-108, 2018
Disentangling the fiscal effects of local constitutions
J Kantorowicz, M Köppl–Turyna
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 163, 63-87, 2019
Redistribution within the tax-benefits system in Austria
M Christl, M Köppl–Turyna, H Lorenz, D Kucsera
Economic Analysis and Policy 68, 250-264, 2020
Campaign finance regulations and policy convergence: The role of interest groups and valence
M Köppl-Turyna
European Journal of Political Economy 33, 1-19, 2014
Wage differences between immigrants and natives: the role of literacy skills
M Christl, M Köppl-Turyna, P Gnan
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (19), 4010-4042, 2020
Evaluating the effects of ICT core elements on CO2 emissions: Recent evidence from OECD countries
W Briglauer, M Köppl-Turyna, W Schwarzbauer, V Bittó
Telecommunications Policy 47 (8), 102581, 2023
Okun’s law in Austria
M Christl, M Köppl-Turyna, D Kucsera
Danube 8 (2), 97-110, 2017
Effects of collective minimum wages on youth employment in Austria
M Christl, M Köppl-Turyna, D Kucsera
Empirica 44 (4), 781-805, 2017
Real options for agricultural investments
S Köppl
Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych 14 (1), 253-264, 2013
Syndication networks and company survival: evidence from European venture capital deals
D Christopoulos, S Köppl, M Köppl-Turyna
Venture Capital 24 (2), 105-135, 2022
Opportunistic politicians and fiscal outcomes: the curious case of Vorarlberg
M Köppl-Turyna
Public Choice 168 (3), 177-216, 2016
Gründe für die Wahl zugunsten rechtspopulistischer Parteien
M Köppl-Turyna, M Grunewald
IW-Kurzbericht, 2017
Structural unemployment after the crisis in Austria
M Christl, M Köppl–Turyna, D Kucsera
IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 5 (1), 12, 2016
Gender gap in voting: Evidence from actual ballots
M Koeppl-Turyna
Party Politics 27 (6), 1155-1159, 2021
Digitalisierung und klimawandel: hebeltechnologien,-anwendungen und gesamteffekt der digitalisierung auf die co2-emissionen
M Köppl-Turyna, W Briglauer, P Koch, M Wolf, W Schwarzbauer, ...
Technical report, EcoAustria in in Kooperation mit Fraunhofer-Institut für …, 2022
Illegal groundwater pumping
C Roseta-Palma, E Iglesias, M Koppl-Turyna
5th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Istanbul …, 2014
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