Stefan Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz
Stefan Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Institut für Unterrichts- und Schulentwicklung
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Cited by
A validation study of the leadership styles of a holistic leadership theoretical framework
S Brauckmann, P Pashiardis
International Journal of Educational Management, 2011
Bringing context and educational leadership together: Fostering the professional development of school principals
S Brauckmann, P Pashiardis, H Ärlestig
Professional development in education 49 (1), 4-15, 2023
No time to manage? The trade-off between relevant tasks and actual priorities of school leaders in Germany
S Brauckmann, A Schwarz
International Journal of Educational Management, 2015
Internationale Diskussions-, Forschungs-und Theorieansätze zur Governance im Schulwesen
I van Ackeren, S Brauckmann, ED Klein
Handbuch Neue Steuerung im Schulsystem, 29-51, 2016
Entrepreneurial leadership in schools: linking creativity with accountability
S Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz, P Pashiardis
International Journal of Leadership in Education 25 (5), 787-801, 2022
Evaluation of school principals
P Pashiardis, S Brauckmann
International handbook on the preparation and development of school leaders …, 2009
Schulleitungshandeln zwischen deconcentration, devolution und delegation (3D)-empirische Annäherungen aus internationaler Perspektive
S Brauckmann
Empirische Pädagogik 26 (1), 78-102, 2012
New public management in education: A call for the edupreneurial leader?
P Pashiardis, S Brauckmann
Leadership and policy in schools 18 (3), 485-499, 2019
The clash of evaluations: in search of the missing link between school accountability and school improvement–experiences from Cyprus
S Brauckmann, P Pashiardis
International journal of educational management 24 (4), 330-350, 2010
Let the context become your ally: School principalship in two cases from low performing schools in Cyprus
P Pashiardis, S Brauckmann, A Kafa
School Leadership & Management 38 (5), 478-495, 2018
Instructional Leadership in Germany: An Evolutionary Perspective
S Brauckmann, G Geißler, T Feldhoff, P Pashiardis
International Studies in Educational Administration 44 (2), 5-20, 2016
Professional development needs of school principals
P Pashiardis, S Brauckmann
Commonwealth Education Partnerships 3, 120-4, 2009
Autonomous leadership and a centralised school system: An odd couple? Empirical insights from Cyprus
S Brauckmann, A Schwarz
International Journal of Educational Management 28 (7), 823-841, 2014
Schulleistungen und Steuerung des Schulsystems im Bundesstaat
AI Vergleichsstudie
Waxmann Verlag, 2007
Contextual framing for school leadership training: Empirical findings from the Commonwealth Project on Leadership Assessment and Development (Co‐LEAD)
S Brauckmann, P Pashiardis
Journal of Management Development 31 (1), 18-33, 2011
Ergebnisbericht im Rahmen des BMBF Forschungsschwerpunkts „Steuerung im Bildungssystem “(SteBis) geförderten Forschungsprojekts „Schulleitungshandeln zwischen erweiterten …
S Brauckmann, KD Hanßen, S Böse, T Holz, T Feldhoff
Schulautonomie oder die Verteilung von Entscheidungsrechten und Verantwortung im Schulsystem
H Altrichter, S Brauckmann, L Lassnigg, R Moosbrugger, GB Gartmann
Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2015 2, 263 - 304, 2016
Between facts and perceptions: The area close to school as a context factor in school leadership
A Schwarz, S Brauckmann
Schumpeter Discussion Papers, 2015
From PISA to LISA: new educational governance and school leadership: exploring the foundations of a new relationship in an international context
S Brauckmann, P Pashiardis
90th Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San …, 2009
Führungsforschung im Bildungsbereich: Schulleitung im Spannungsfeld erweiterter Rechte und Pflichten
S Brauckmann, F Eder
Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung 9 (1), 5-15, 2019
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Articles 1–20