Allaoua CHAOUI
Allaoua CHAOUI
University Constantine 2-Abdelhamid Mehri
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Cited by
Supervisory control of discrete event systems based on structure theory of Petri nets
K Barkaoui, A Chaoui, B Zouari
1997 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics …, 1997
UML and colored petri nets integrated modeling and analysis approach using graph transformation
O Labbani
Journal of Object Technology 9 (4), 2010
Quality-centric approach for software component identification from object-oriented code
S Kebir, AD Seriai, S Chardigny, A Chaoui
2012 Joint working IEEE/IFIP conference on software architecture and …, 2012
Usearch: A Meta Search Engine based on a new result merging strategy
T Alloui, I Boussebough, A Chaoui, AZ Nouar, MC Chettah
2015 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge …, 2015
On the verification of UML state machine diagrams to colored petri nets transformation using Isabelle/HOL
S Meghzili, A Chaoui, M Strecker, E Kerkouche
2017 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI …, 2017
Image compression using block truncation coding
MM Almrabet, AR Zerek, A Chaoui, AA Akash
International Journal of Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control …, 2009
A Formal Framework and a Tool for the specification and analysis of G-Nets models based on graph transformation
E Kerkouche, A Chaoui
Distributed Computing and Networking: 10th International Conference, ICDCN …, 2009
Verification of model transformations using Isabelle/HOL and Scala
S Meghzili, A Chaoui, M Strecker, E Kerkouche
Information Systems Frontiers 21 (1), 45-65, 2019
A framework for modeling and analysis UML activity diagram using graph transformation
Y Rahmoune, A Chaoui, E Kerkouche
Procedia Computer Science 56, 612-617, 2015
Optimizing QoS-based web services composition by using quantum inspired cuckoo search algorithm
SR Boussalia, A Chaoui
Mobile Web Information Systems: 11th International Conference, MobiWIS 2014 …, 2014
Formal study of reconfigurable manufacturing systems: A high level Petri nets based approach
L Kahloul, K Djouani, A Chaoui
Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems: 6th …, 2013
Model checking and code generation for UML diagrams using graph transformation
W Chama, R Elmansouri, A Chaoui
International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications 3 (6), 39, 2012
Comparing and combining genetic and clustering algorithms for software component identification from object-oriented code
S Kebir, AD Seriai, A Chaoui, S Chardigny
Proceedings of the Fifth International C* Conference on Computer Science and …, 2012
Modeling and analysis of reconfigurable systems using flexible petri nets
L Kahloul, A Chaoui, K Djouani
2010 4th IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software …, 2010
A high-level Petri net based approach for modeling and composition of web services
S Chemaa, F Bachtarzi, A Chaoui
Procedia Computer Science 9, 469-478, 2012
Transforming UML models to colored Petri nets models using graph grammars
E Kerkouche, A Chaoui, K Khalfaoui
2009 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 230-236, 2009
An approach for the transformation and verification of BPMN models to colored petri nets models
S Meghzili, A Chaoui, M Strecker, E Kerkouche
International Journal of Software Innovation (IJSI) 8 (1), 17-49, 2020
A graph transformation approach for automatic test cases generation from UML activity diagrams
A Hettab, E Kerkouche, A Chaoui
Proceedings of the Eighth International C* Conference on Computer Science …, 2015
From UML activity diagrams to CSP expressions: A graph transformation approach using Atom3 tool
R Elmansouri, H Hamrouche, A Chaoui
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues 8 (2), 1694-814, 2011
On the Use of Graph Transformation in the Modeling and Verification of Dynamic Behavior in UML Models.
E Kerkouche, A Chaoui, EB Bourennane, O Labbani
J. Softw. 5 (11), 1279-1291, 2010
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Articles 1–20