Alexander van Renen
Alexander van Renen
Researcher at UTN
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RadixSpline: a single-pass learned index
A Kipf, R Marcus, A van Renen, M Stoian, A Kemper, T Kraska, ...
Proceedings of the third international workshop on exploiting artificial …, 2020
Benchmarking learned indexes
R Marcus, A Kipf, A van Renen, M Stoian, S Misra, A Kemper, T Neumann, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.12804, 2020
Managing non-volatile memory in database systems
A Van Renen, V Leis, A Kemper, T Neumann, T Hashida, K Oe, Y Doi, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data, 1541 …, 2018
Persistent memory I/O primitives
A Van Renen, L Vogel, V Leis, T Neumann, A Kemper
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Data Management on New …, 2019
SOSD: A benchmark for learned indexes
A Kipf, R Marcus, A van Renen, M Stoian, A Kemper, T Kraska, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.13014, 2019
The case for learned spatial indexes
V Pandey, A van Renen, A Kipf, I Sabek, J Ding, A Kemper
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.10349, 2020
Low-latency communication for fast DBMS using RDMA and shared memory
P Fent, A van Renen, A Kipf, V Leis, T Neumann, A Kemper
2020 IEEE 36th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 1477-1488, 2020
Veritas: Shared verifiable databases and tables in the cloud
L Allen, P Antonopoulos, A Arasu, J Gehrke, J Hammer, J Hunter, ...
9th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), 1-9, 2019
Building blocks for persistent memory: How to get the most out of your new memory?
A Van Renen, L Vogel, V Leis, T Neumann, A Kemper
The VLDB Journal 29 (6), 1223-1241, 2020
Veritas: Shared Verifiable Databases and Tables in the Cloud.
J Gehrke, L Allen, P Antonopoulos, A Arasu, J Hammer, J Hunter, ...
CIDR, 2019
Mosaic: a budget-conscious storage engine for relational database systems
L Vogel, V Leis, A van Renen, T Neumann, S Imamura, A Kemper
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13 (12), 2662-2675, 2020
Plush: A write-optimized persistent log-structured hash-table
L Vogel, A Van Renen, S Imamura, J Giceva, T Neumann, A Kemper
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 15 (11), 2895-2907, 2022
How good are modern spatial libraries?
V Pandey, A van Renen, A Kipf, A Kemper
Data Science and Engineering 6 (2), 192-208, 2021
Fastver: Making data integrity a commodity
A Arasu, B Chandramouli, J Gehrke, E Ghosh, D Kossmann, J Protzenko, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data, 89-101, 2021
Data management on non-volatile memory: a perspective
P Götze, A van Renen, L Lersch, V Leis, I Oukid
Datenbank-Spektrum 18 (3), 171-182, 2018
Cloud analytics benchmark
A Van Renen, V Leis
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 16 (6), 1413-1425, 2023
Sagedb: An instance-optimized data analytics system
J Ding, R Marcus, A Kipf, V Nathan, A Nrusimha, K Vaidya, A van Renen, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 15 (13), 2022
Why TPC is not enough: An analysis of the Amazon Redshift fleet
A van Renen, D Horn, P Pfeil, K Vaidya, W Dong, M Narayanaswamy, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 17 (11), 3694-3706, 2024
Persistent Memory I
A Van Renen, L Vogel, V Leis, T Neumann, A Kemper
O Primitives, Jun, 2019
Enhancing In-Memory Spatial Indexing with Learned Search
V Pandey, A Van Renen, ET Zacharatou, A Kipf, I Sabek, J Ding, V Markl, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.06354, 2023
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