Jamie Macbeth
Jamie Macbeth
Associate Professor, Smith College
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GenderMag: A method for evaluating software's gender inclusiveness
M Burnett, S Stumpf, J Macbeth, S Makri, L Beckwith, I Kwan, A Peters, ...
Interacting with computers 28 (6), 760-787, 2016
Cyberbullying detection with a pronunciation based convolutional neural network
X Zhang, J Tong, N Vishwamitra, E Whittaker, JP Mazer, R Kowalski, H Hu, ...
2016 15th IEEE international conference on machine learning and applications …, 2016
Gang violence on the digital street: Case study of a South Side Chicago gang member’s Twitter communication
DU Patton, J Lane, P Leonard, J Macbeth, JR Smith Lee
new media & society 19 (7), 1000-1018, 2017
Aural rehabilitation system and a method of using the same
G Kearby, E Levine, A Modeste, D Dayson, J Macbeth
US Patent App. 11/151,820, 2006
Racial differences in cyberbullying from the perspective of victims and perpetrators.
RM Kowalski, E Dillon, J Macbeth, M Franchi, M Bush
American journal of orthopsychiatry 90 (5), 644, 2020
Automatically processing tweets from gang-involved youth: towards detecting loss and aggression
T Blevins, R Kwiatkowski, JC Macbeth, K McKeown, D Patton, O Rambow
To fix or to learn? How production bias affects developers' information foraging during debugging
D Piorkowski, SD Fleming, C Scaffidi, M Burnett, I Kwan, AZ Henley, ...
2015 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution …, 2015
Polynomial time graph coloring register allocation
P Brisk, F Dabiri, J Macbeth, M Sarrafzadeh
14th International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis 1 (1), 2005
Modeling the impact of operator trust on performance in multiple robot control
F Gao, AS Clare, JC Macbeth, ML Cummings
AAAI, 2013
Task versus vehicle-based control paradigms in multiple unmanned vehicle supervision by a single operator
ML Cummings, LF Bertucelli, J Macbeth, A Surana
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 44 (3), 353-361, 2014
Accommodating grief on Twitter: an analysis of expressions of grief among gang involved youth on Twitter using qualitative analysis and natural language processing
DU Patton, J MacBeth, S Schoenebeck, K Shear, K McKeown
Biomedical informatics insights 10, 1178222618763155, 2018
“Police took my homie I dedicate my life 2 his revenge”: Twitter tensions between gang-involved youth and police in Chicago
DU Patton, P Leonard, L Cahill, J Macbeth, S Crosby, DW Brunton
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 26 (3-4), 310-324, 2016
WANDA B.: Weight and activity with blood pressure monitoring system for heart failure patients
M Suh, LS Evangelista, V Chen, WS Hong, J Macbeth, A Nahapetian, ...
2010 IEEE international symposium on" A world of wireless, mobile and …, 2010
More human than human: LLM-generated narratives outperform human-LLM interleaved narratives
Z Zhao, S Song, B Duah, J Macbeth, S Carter, MP Van, NS Bravo, ...
Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 368-370, 2023
I know God’s got a day 4 me: Violence, trauma, and coping among gang-involved Twitter users
DU Patton, N Sanchez, D Fitch, J Macbeth, P Leonard
Social Science Computer Review 35 (2), 226-243, 2017
Online school conflicts: expanding the scope of restorative practices with a virtual peace room
A Das, J Macbeth, C Elsaesser
Contemporary Justice Review 22 (4), 351-370, 2019
System for analyzing physiological signals to predict medical conditions
M Sarrafzadeh, J Macbeth
US Patent App. 13/407,683, 2012
Script-based story matching for cyberbullying prevention
J Macbeth, H Adeyema, H Lieberman, C Fry
CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 901-906, 2013
Monitoring Scene Understanders with Conceptual Primitive Decomposition and Commonsense Knowledge
L Gilpin, JC Macbeth, E Florentine
Advances in Cognitive Systems 6, 45-63, 2018
Image Schemas and Conceptual Dependency Primitives: A Comparison
Proceedings of The Joint Ontology Workshops, Episode 3: The Tyrolean Autumn …, 2017
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