Pablo Jost
Pablo Jost
PhD, Senior Researcher at Departement of Communication at University of Mainz
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What’s in a post? How sentiment and issue salience affect users’ emotional reactions on Facebook
JM Eberl, P Tolochko, P Jost, T Heidenreich, HG Boomgaarden
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 17 (1), 48-65, 2020
Not funny? The effects of factual versus sarcastic journalistic responses to uncivil user comments
M Ziegele, PB Jost
Communication research 47 (6), 891-920, 2020
Populism Fuels Love and Anger: The Impact of Message Features on Users’ Reactions on Facebook
P Jost, M Maurer, J Hassler
International Journal of Communication 14, 2081–2102, 2020
Popularity cues in online media: Theoretical and methodological perspectives
P Porten-Cheé, J Haßler, P Jost, C Eilders, M Maurer
SCM Studies in Communication and Media 7 (2), 80-102, 2018
Online user comments across news and other content formats: Multidisciplinary perspectives, new directions
M Ziegele, N Springer, P Jost, S Wright
Studies in Communication and Media 6 (4), 315-332, 2017
Auf den Spuren der Lügenpresse. Zur Richtigkeit und Ausgewogenheit der Medienberichterstattung in der „Flüchtlingskrise“
M Maurer, P Jost, J Haßler, S Kruschinski
Publizistik, 1-21, 2018
Lonely together? Identifying the determinants of collective corrective action against uncivil comments
M Ziegele, TK Naab, P Jost
New Media & Society, 2019
Journalistic counter-voices in comment sections: Patterns, determinants, and potential consequences of interactive moderation of uncivil user comments
M Ziegele, P Jost, M Bormann, D Heinbach
Studies in Communication and Media 7 (4), 525-554, 2018
How politicians adapt to new media logic. A longitudinal perspective on accommodation to user-engagement on Facebook
P Jost
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 20 (2), 184-197, 2023
Posting or Advertising? How Political Parties Adapt Their Messaging Strategies to Facebook’s Organic and Paid Media Affordances
S Kruschinski, J Haßler, P Jost, M Sülflow
Journal of Political Marketing, 1-21, 2022
How right-wing populists instrumentalize news media: Deliberate provocations, scandalizing media coverage, and public awareness for the Alternative for Germany (AfD)
M Maurer, P Jost, M Schaaf, M Sülflow, S Kruschinski
The International Journal of Press/Politics, 2022
Who is responsible for interventions against problematic comments? Comparing user attitudes in Germany and the United States
MJ Riedl, TK Naab, GM Masullo, P Jost, M Ziegele
Policy & Internet 13 (3), 433-451, 2021
Klicken oder tippen? Eine Analyse verschiedener Interventionsstrategien in unzivilen Online-Diskussionen auf Facebook
P Jost, M Ziegele, TK Naab
Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 1-25, 2020
Aufräumen im Trollhaus: zum Einfluss von Community-Managern und Aktionsgruppen in Kommentarspalten
M Ziegele, P Jost, D Frieß, TK Naab
Fünf Jahre Medienberichterstattung über Flucht und Migration
M Maurer, P Jost, S Kruschinski, J Haßler
Mainz: Univer sität Mainz. Abgerufen unter https://www. stiftungmercator. de …, 2021
Motivierte Zweifel. Wie die Voreinstellungen der Rezipienten zum Berichterstattungsgegenstand ihre Wahrnehmung der Medienglaubwürdigkeit beeinflussen
M Maurer, P Jost, M Pfoh, M Porath, L Wilke
M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft 66 (3), 302-319, 2018
Invisible transparency: How different types of ad disclaimers on Facebook affect whether and how digital political advertising is perceived
P Jost, S Kruschinski, M Sülflow, J Haßler, M Maurer
Policy & Internet, 2022
Who shapes the news? Analyzing journalists’ and organizational interests as competing influences on biased coverage
P Jost, C Koehler
Journalism 22 (2), 484-500, 2021
Looking over the channel: The balance of media coverage about the “refugee crisis” in Germany and the UK
M Maurer, J Haßler, S Kruschinski, P Jost
Communications 47 (2), 219-240, 2022
Radical Mobilization in Times of Crisis: Use and Effects of Appeals and Populist Communication Features in Telegram Channels
P Jost, L Dogruel
Social Media+ Society 9 (3), 20563051231186372, 2023
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Articles 1–20