Arturo Gil Aparicio
Arturo Gil Aparicio
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A comparison of path planning strategies for autonomous exploration and mapping of unknown environments
M Juliá, A Gil, O Reinoso
Autonomous Robots 33, 427-444, 2012
A comparative evaluation of interest point detectors and local descriptors for visual SLAM
A Gil, OM Mozos, M Ballesta, O Reinoso
Machine Vision and Applications 21 (6), 905-920, 2010
Multi-robot visual SLAM using a Rao-Blackwellized particle filter
A Gil, Ó Reinoso, M Ballesta, M Juliá
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 58 (1), 68-80, 2010
Improving data association in vision-based SLAM
A Gil, O Reinoso, OM Mozos, C Stachniss, W Burgard
2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2006
Interest point detectors for visual slam
ÓM Mozos, A Gil, M Ballesta, O Reinoso
Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence: 12th Conference of the Spanish …, 2007
Map building and monte carlo localization using global appearance of omnidirectional images
L Payá, L Fernández, A Gil, O Reinoso
Sensors 10 (12), 11468-11497, 2010
A hybrid solution to the multi-robot integrated exploration problem
M Juliá, Ó Reinoso, A Gil, M Ballesta, L Payá
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 23 (4), 473-486, 2010
Visual Odometry through Appearance‐and Feature‐Based Method with Omnidirectional Images
D Valiente García, L Fernández Rojo, A Gil Aparicio, L Payá Castelló, ...
Journal of Robotics 2012 (1), 797063, 2012
Appearance-based dense maps creation-comparison of compression techniques with panoramic images
L Payá, L Fernández, Ó Reinoso, A Gil, D Úbeda
International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics …, 2009
Estimation of visual maps with a robot network equipped with vision sensors
A Gil, O Reinoso, M Ballesta, M Juliá, L Payá
Sensors 10 (5), 5209-5232, 2010
Local descriptors for visual SLAM
M Ballesta, A Gil, OM Mozos, O Reinoso
Workshop on Robotics and Mathematics (ROBOMAT07), Portugal, 209-215, 2007
Monte Carlo localization using SIFT features
A Gil, O Reinoso, A Vicente, C Fernández, L Payá
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Second Iberian Conference, IbPRIA …, 2005
Implementation and assessment of a virtual laboratory of parallel robots developed for engineering students
A Gil, A Peidró, Ó Reinoso, JM Marín
IEEE Transactions on Education 57 (2), 92-98, 2013
MATLAB: conceptos básicos y descripción gráfica
ÓR García, LMJ García, LP Castelló, AG Aparicio, AP Vidal
Universidad Miguel Hernández, 2018
Las células madre
JP Giraldo, JI Madero, M Ávila, C López, M Escobar, A Aparicio, JA Ruíz
Revista colombiana de obstetricia y ginecología 54 (2), 87-96, 2003
Local minima detection in potential field based cooperative multi-robot exploration
M Juliá, A Gil, L Payá, O Reinoso
International Journal of Factory Automation, Robotics and Soft Computing 3, 2008
Multi-robot map alignment in visual SLAM
M Ballesta, A Gil, O Reinoso, M Juliá, LM Jiménez
WSEAS Transactions on Systems 9 (2), 213-222, 2010
Plataforma Distribuida para la Realización de Prácticas de Robótica Móvil a través de Internet
L Payá, O Reinoso, A Gil, LM Jiménez
Información tecnológica 18 (6), 27-38, 2007
Robust Methods for Robot Localization under Changing Illumination Conditions-Comparison of Different Filtering Techniques
LF Rojo, L Payá, O Reinoso, A Gil, M Juliá
International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2, 223-228, 2010
Evaluation of interest point detectors for visual slam
M Ballesta, A Gil, O Reinoso, OM Mozos
International Journal of Factory Automation, Robotics and Soft Computing 4 …, 2007
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Articles 1–20