Thomas Peter Hein
Thomas Peter Hein
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State anxiety biases estimates of uncertainty and impairs reward learning in volatile environments
TP Hein, J de Fockert, MH Ruiz
NeuroImage 224, 117424, 2021
Alterations in the amplitude and burst rate of beta oscillations impair reward-dependent motor learning in anxiety
S Sporn, T Hein, M Herrojo Ruiz
Elife 9, e50654, 2020
State anxiety alters the neural oscillatory correlates of predictions and prediction errors during reward-based learning
TP Hein, MH Ruiz
Neuroimage 249, 118895, 2022
ASMR amplifies low frequency and reduces high frequency oscillations
TR Swart, MJ Banissy, TP Hein, R Bruna, E Pereda, J Bhattacharya
cortex 149, 85-100, 2022
Anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex oscillations underlie learning alterations in trait anxiety in humans
TP Hein, Z Gong, M Ivanova, T Fedele, V Nikulin, M Herrojo Ruiz
Communications Biology 6 (1), 271, 2023
State anxiety biases estimates of uncertainty and impairs reward learning in volatile environments. NeuroImage, 224, Article 117424
TP Hein, J de Fockert, MH Ruiz
Bursts and variability of beta oscillations mediate the effect of anxiety on motor exploration and motor learning
S Sporn, TP Hein, MH Ruiz
bioRxiv, 442772, 2018
State anxiety alters the neural oscillatory correlates of predictions and prediction errors during reward-based learning. NeuroImage, 249, Article 118895
TP Hein, M Herrojo Ruiz
Changes in oscillations in anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex are associated with altered signatures of Bayesian predictive coding in trait anxiety
TP Hein, Z Gong, M Ivanova, T Fedele, V Nikulin, MH Ruiz
bioRxiv, 2022.05. 24.493280, 2022
State anxiety alters the neural oscillatory correlates of predictions and prediction errors during reward learning
TP Hein, MH Ruiz
bioRxiv, 2021.03. 08.434415, 2021
State anxiety biases estimates of uncertainty during reward learning in volatile environments
TP Hein, LA Weber, J de Fockert, MH Ruiz
bioRxiv, 809749, 2019
Oscillations in anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex explain learning alterations in trait anxiety
T Hein, Z Gong, M Ivanova, T Fedele, V Nikulin, M Herrojo-Ruiz
Anxiety and computations of uncertainty during reward-based learning in volatile environments
T Hein
Goldsmiths, University of London, 2021
State Anxiety Biases Precision Estimates in Volatile Environments
TP Hein, MH Ruiz
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