Abhijit Datta Banik
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On the GI/M/1/N queue with multiple working vacations—analytic analysis and computation
AD Banik, UC Gupta, SS Pathak
Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (9), 1701-1710, 2007
Complete analysis of finite and infinite buffer GIMSP//1 queue—A computational approach
UC Gupta, AD Banik
Operations Research Letters 35 (2), 273-280, 2007
The infinite-buffer single server queue with a variant of multiple vacation policy and batch Markovian arrival process
AD Banik
Applied Mathematical Modelling 33 (7), 3025-3039, 2009
Algorithmic computation of steady-state probabilities in an almost observable GI/M/c queue with or without vacations under state dependent balking and reneging
D Guha, V Goswami, AD Banik
Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (5-6), 4199-4219, 2016
On the Finite Buffer Queue with Renewal Input and Batch Markovian Service Process: GI/BMSP/1/N
AD Banik, ML Chaudhry, UC Gupta
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 10, 559-575, 2008
Analysis of single working vacation in GI/M/1/N and GI/M/1/∞ queueing systems
AD Banik
International Journal of Operational Research 7 (3), 314-333, 2010
BMAP/G/1/N queue with vacations and limited service discipline
AD Banik, UC Gupta, SS Pathak
Applied mathematics and computation 180 (2), 707-721, 2006
Complete analysis of MAP/G/1/N queue with single (multiple) vacation (s) under limited service discipline
UC Gupta, AD Banik, SS Pathak
International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 2005 (3), 353-373, 2005
Analyzing the finite buffer batch arrival queue under Markovian service process: GI X /MSP/1/N
AD Banik, UC Gupta
Top 15, 146-160, 2007
Single server queues with a batch Markovian arrival process and bulk renewal or non-renewal service
AD Banik
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 2015
Queueing analysis and optimal control of BMAP/G (a, b)/1/N and BMAP/MSP (a, b)/1/N systems
AD Banik
Computers & Industrial Engineering 57 (3), 748-761, 2009
A simple analysis of the batch arrival queue with infinite-buffer and Markovian service process using roots method: -
ML Chaudhry, AD Banik, A Pacheco
Annals of Operations Research 252, 135-173, 2017
An algorithmic analysis of the BMAP/MSP/1 generalized processor-sharing queue
S Ghosh, AD Banik
Computers & Operations Research 79, 1-11, 2017
Equilibrium balking strategies in renewal input batch arrival queues with multiple and single working vacation
ADB Dibyajyoti Guha, Veena Goswami
Performance evaluation 94 (December, 2015), 1-24, 2015
Equilibrium and socially optimal balking strategies in Markovian queues with vacations and sequential abandonment
G Panda, V Goswami, AD Banik
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 33 (05), 1650036, 2016
Analyzing state-dependent arrival in GI/BMSP/1/∞ queues
AD Banik
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 53 (5-6), 1229-1246, 2011
A simple analysis of system characteristics in the batch service queue with infinite-buffer and Markovian service process using the roots method: -
ML Chaudhry, AD Banik, A Pacheco, S Ghosh
RAIRO-Operations Research-Recherche Opérationnelle 50 (3), 519-551, 2016
Equilibrium balking strategies in renewal input queue with Bernoulli-schedule controlled vacation and vacation interruption
DG Gopinath Panda, Veena Goswami, Abhijit Datta Banik
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 12 (3), 2016
Finite-Buffer Bulk Service Queue Under Markovian Service Process: GI/MSP (a,b)/1/N
AD Banik, UC Gupta, ML Chaudhry
Stochastic Analysis and Applications 27 (3), 500-522, 2009
Numerical study on transient behaviour of finite bulk arrival or service queues with multiple working vacations
R Kumar, S Ghosh, AD Banik
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 18 (3), 384-403, 2021
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