Alexander Kotsev
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Zitiert von
Review of the performance of low-cost sensors for air quality monitoring
F Karagulian, M Barbiere, A Kotsev, L Spinelle, M Gerboles, F Lagler, ...
Atmosphere 10 (9), 506, 2019
Gender differences in commute time and accessibility in S ofia, B ulgaria: a study using 3 D geovisualisation
MP Kwan, A Kotsev
The Geographical Journal 181 (1), 83-96, 2015
From spatial data infrastructures to data spaces—A technological perspective on the evolution of European SDIs
A Kotsev, M Minghini, R Tomas, V Cetl, M Lutz
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9 (3), 176, 2020
Next Generation Air Quality Platform: Openness and Interoperability for the Internet of Things
A Kotsev, S Schade, M Craglia, G Michel, S Laurent, S Marco
Sensors, 2016
Internet of things
C Granell, A Kamilaris, A Kotsev, FO Ostermann, S Trilles
Manual of digital earth, 387-423, 2020
Geospatial IoT—The need for event-driven architectures in contemporary spatial data infrastructures
M Rieke, L Bigagli, S Herle, S Jirka, A Kotsev, T Liebig, C Malewski, ...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 7 (10), 385, 2018
Evaluation of the potential of convolutional neural networks and random forests for multi-class segmentation of Sentinel-2 imagery
V Syrris, P Hasenohr, B Delipetrev, A Kotsev, P Kempeneers, P Soille
Remote Sensing 11 (8), 907, 2019
Extending INSPIRE to the Internet of Things through SensorThings API
A Kotsev, K Schleidt, S Liang, H Van der Schaaf, T Khalafbeigi, S Grellet, ...
Geosciences 8 (6), 221, 2018
Aliens in Europe. An open approach to involve more people in invasive species detection
S Schade, A Kotsev, AC Cardoso, K Tsiamis, E Gervasini, F Spinelli, ...
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 78, 101384, 2019
A spatial data infrastructure for environmental noise data in Europe
A Abramic, A Kotsev, V Cetl, S Kephalopoulos, M Paviotti
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (7), 726, 2017
Architecture of a service-enabled sensing platform for the environment
A Kotsev, F Pantisano, S Schade, S Jirka
Sensors 15 (2), 4470-4495, 2015
Building bridges: experiences and lessons learned from the implementation of INSPIRE and e-reporting of air quality data in Europe
A Kotsev, O Peeters, P Smits, M Grothe
Earth Science Informatics 8, 353-365, 2015
Establishing common ground through INSPIRE: the legally-driven European spatial data infrastructure
V Cetl, R Tomas, A Kotsev, VN de Lima, RS Smith, M Jobst
Service-Oriented Mapping: Changing Paradigm in Map Production and …, 2019
Using new data sources for policymaking
S Schade, M Manzoni-Brusati, C Tsinaraki, A Kotsev, K Fullerton, ...
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. DOI: https://doi. org …, 2017
Closing data gaps with citizen science? Findings from the Danube region
J Lisjak, S Schade, A Kotsev
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 6 (9), 277, 2017
European Data Spaces-Scientific Insights into Data Sharing and Utilisation at Scale
E Farrell, M Minghini, A Kotsev, J Soler Garrido, B Tapsall, M Micheli, ...
Joint Research Centre (Seville site), 2023
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation: early lessons from the COVID-19 crisis
S de Nigris, E Gomez-Gonzalez, E Gomez, B Martens, M Iglesias Portela, ...
Publications Office of the European Union, 2020
Comparing INSPIRE and OpenStreetMap data: how to make the most out of the two worlds
M Minghini, A Kotsev, M Lutz
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
Collaboration matters: capacity building, up-scaling, spreading, and sustainability in citizen-generated data projects
M Balestrini, A Kotsev, M Ponti, S Schade
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8 (1), 1-15, 2021
Airsenseur: An open-designed multi-sensor platform for air quality monitoring
M Gerboles, L Spinelle, A Kotsev, M Signorini, L Srl
Proceedings of the Fourth Scientific Meeting EuNetAir, Linkoping, Sweden, 3-5, 2015
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