Luiza Guilherme
Luiza Guilherme
Pesquisadora II, Instituto do Coração (InCor) - HCFMUSP
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Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease
JR Carapetis, A Beaton, MW Cunningham, L Guilherme, G Karthikeyan, ...
Nature reviews Disease primers 2 (1), 1-24, 2016
The epidemiology of sepsis in Brazilian intensive care units (the Sepsis PREvalence Assessment Database, SPREAD): an observational study
FR Machado, AB Cavalcanti, FA Bozza, EM Ferreira, FSA Carrara, ...
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 17 (11), 1180-1189, 2017
Autoimmunity in Chagas' disease. Identification of cardiac myosin-B13 Trypanosoma cruzi protein crossreactive T cell clones in heart lesions of a chronic Chagas' cardiomyopathy …
E Cunha-Neto, V Coelho, L Guilherme, A Fiorelli, N Stolf, J Kalil
The Journal of clinical investigation 98 (8), 1709-1712, 1996
Human heart–infiltrating T-Cell clones from rheumatic heart disease patients recognize both streptococcal and cardiac proteins
L Guilherme, E Cunha-Neto, V Coelho, R Snitcowsky, PMA Pomerantzeff, ...
Circulation 92 (3), 415-420, 1995
Molecular mimicry in the autoimmune pathogenesis of rheumatic heart disease
L Guilherme, J Kalil, M Cunningham
Autoimmunity 39 (1), 31-39, 2006
Rheumatic heart disease: proinflammatory cytokines play a role in the progression and maintenance of valvular lesions
L Guilherme, P Cury, LMF Demarchi, V Coelho, L Abel, AP Lopez, ...
The American journal of pathology 165 (5), 1583-1591, 2004
Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease: cellular mechanisms leading autoimmune reactivity and disease
L Guilherme, J Kalil
Journal of clinical immunology 30, 17-23, 2010
Acute rheumatic fever
G Karthikeyan, L Guilherme
The Lancet 392 (10142), 161-174, 2018
Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease: genetics and pathogenesis
L Guilherme, R Ramasawmy, J Kalil
Scandinavian journal of immunology 66 (2‐3), 199-207, 2007
Mimicry in recognition of cardiac myosin peptides by heart-intralesional T cell clones from rheumatic heart disease
KC Faé, DD da Silva, SE Oshiro, AC Tanaka, P Pomerantzeff, C Douay, ...
The Journal of Immunology 176 (9), 5662-5670, 2006
Association of human leukocyte class II antigens with rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease in a Brazilian population.
L Guilherme, W Weidebach, MH Kiss, R Snitcowsky, J Kalil
Circulation 83 (6), 1995-1998, 1991
Status of research and development of vaccines for Streptococcus pyogenes
AC Steer, JR Carapetis, JB Dale, JD Fraser, MF Good, L Guilherme, ...
Vaccine 34 (26), 2953-2958, 2016
T-cell reactivity against streptococcal antigens in the periphery mirrors reactivity of heart-infiltrating T lymphocytes in rheumatic heart disease patients
L Guilherme, SE Oshiro, KC Faé, E Cunha-Neto, G Renesto, AC Goldberg, ...
Infection and Immunity 69 (9), 5345-5351, 2001
Molecular pathogenesis of rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease
L Guilherme, K Faé, SE Oshiro, J Kalil
Expert reviews in molecular medicine 7 (28), 1-15, 2005
Immunological balance is associated with clinical outcome after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in type 1 diabetes
KCR Malmegrim, JLTC De Azevedo, LCM Arruda, JRF Abreu, CEB Couri, ...
Frontiers in immunology 8, 167, 2017
Association of polymorphisms within the promoter region of the tumor necrosis factor-α with clinical outcomes of rheumatic fever
R Ramasawmy, KC Faé, G Spina, GD Victora, AC Tanaka, SA Palácios, ...
Molecular immunology 44 (8), 1873-1878, 2007
Genes, autoimmunity and pathogenesis of rheumatic heart disease
L Guilherme, KF Köhler, E Postol, J Kalil
Annals of pediatric cardiology 4 (1), 13-21, 2011
Towards a vaccine against rheumatic fever
L Guilherme, KC Faé, F Higa, L Chaves, SE Oshiro, SF De Barros, ...
Journal of Immunology Research 13 (2-4), 125-132, 2006
Cytokine production profile of heart-infiltrating T cells in Chagas' disease cardiomyopathy
E Cunha-Neto, LV Rizzo, F Albuquerque, L Abel, L Guilherme, E Bocchi, ...
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 31, 133-137, 1998
How an autoimmune reaction triggered by molecular mimicry between streptococcal M protein and cardiac tissue proteins leads to heart lesions in rheumatic heart disease
KC Fae, SE Oshiro, A Toubert, D Charron, J Kalil, L Guilherme
Journal of autoimmunity 24 (2), 101-109, 2005
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