Sayan Ghosh
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Zitiert von
Beyond the Imitation Game: Quantifying and extrapolating the capabilities of language models
A Srivastava, A Rastogi, A Rao, AAM Shoeb, A Abid, A Fisch, AR Brown, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.04615, 2022
PRover: Proof Generation for Interpretable Reasoning over Rules
S Saha, S Ghosh, S Srivastava, M Bansal
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.02830, 2020
Analysing the Extent of Misinformation in Cancer Related Tweets
R Bal, S Sinha, S Dutta, R Joshi, S Ghosh, R Dutt
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 14 …, 2020
DeepTagRec: A Content-cum-User Based Tag Recommendation Framework for Stack Overflow
SK Maity, A Panigrahi, S Ghosh, A Banerjee, P Goyal, A Mukherjee
European Conference on Information Retrieval, 125-131, 2019
Public Sphere 2.0: Targeted Commenting in Online News Media
A Mullick, S Ghosh, R Dutt, A Ghosh, A Chakraborty
European Conference on Information Retrieval, 180-187, 2019
Adversarial Scrubbing of Demographic Information for Text Classification
SBR Chowdhury, S Ghosh, Y Li, JB Oliva, S Srivastava, S Chaturvedi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.08613, 2021
ePiC: Employing Proverbs in Context as a Benchmark for Abstract Language Understanding
S Ghosh, S Srivastava
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.06838, 2021
How Helpful is Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Table-to-Text Generation?
S Ghosh, Z Qi, S Chaturvedi, S Srivastava
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2021
CLUES: A Benchmark for Learning Classifiers using Natural Language Explanations
RR Menon, S Ghosh, S Srivastava
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.07142, 2022
QoS-Aware Dynamic Caching for Destroyed Virtual Machines in Sensor-Cloud Architecture
A Roy, S Misra, S Ghosh
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing …, 2018
Beyond Labels: Empowering Human with Natural Language Explanations through a Novel Active-Learning Architecture
B Yao, I Jindal, L Popa, Y Katsis, S Ghosh, L He, Y Lu, S Srivastava, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.12710, 2023
Mapping Language to Programs using Multiple Reward Components with Inverse Reinforcement Learning
S Ghosh, S Srivastava
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.00842, 2021
Mining Twitter and Taxi Data for Predicting Taxi Pickup Hotspots
S Mridha, S Ghosh, R Singh, S Bhattacharya, N Ganguly
Proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social …, 2017
Leveraging Multiple Teachers for Test-Time Adaptation of Language-Guided Classifiers
K Wei, S Ghosh, RR Menon, S Srivastava
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.07538, 2023
Pragmatic Reasoning Unlocks Quantifier Semantics for Foundation Models
Y Li, RR Menon, S Ghosh, S Srivastava
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.04659, 2023
LaSQuE: Improved Zero-Shot Classification from Explanations Through Quantifier Modeling and Curriculum Learning
S Ghosh, RR Menon, S Srivastava
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.09104, 2022
Compositional Generalization for Kinship Prediction through Data Augmentation
K Wei, S Ghosh, S Srivastava
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of Narrative Understanding (WNU2022), 13-19, 2022
QuExEnt: Improved Zero-Shot Classification from Explanations Through Quantifier Modeling and Curriculum Learning
S Ghosh, RR Menon, S Srivastava
ACL Workshop on Learning with Natural Language Supervision, 2022
Weighted color palette generation
A Phogat, V Batra, S Ghosh
US Patent 11,087,505, 2021
Flow-based color transfer from source graphic to target graphic
A Phogat, V Batra, S Ghosh, S DiVerdi, S Cohen
US Patent 11,043,012, 2021
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